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    Title: 例規越界:解讀產品生命週期管理系統於設計鏈的科技內涵
    Routines crossover: interpreting product lifecycle management systems in design chain
    Authors: 廖啟旭
    Liao, Chihsu
    Contributors: 蕭瑞麟
    Hsiao, Rueylin
    Liao, Chihsu
    Keywords: 科技採納
    technology adoption
    organizational routine
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2013-09-04 11:56:30 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 企業常藉由採納新科技的作法提升本身的競爭力,科技因此成為創造企業核心競爭力的關鍵。但是要讓科技在組織中發揮其功能,並不是一件容易的事,科技的導入常伴隨著新工作方式的產生,而團隊成員不一定能馬上轉換工作方式,或接受新的工作方式,因此需要經歷過一段調適的過程,使得科技能融入到組織的工作例規當中,成為組織例規的一部份。過去的文獻從例規的觀點談科技採納並不多,本研究從組織例規的觀點著手,探究科技採納的過程中科技與組織的調適行為。
    The organization always promotes its competitive ability by adopting new technology. Therefore, technology has been a key element to build core competitive for organization. However, it is a hard work for technology to develop its performance in organization. When organization adopts a new technology, organization will accompany to develop a new work routine. But a lot of organization members could not switch or accept their work routines to new routines. Therefore, organization needs a period of time to adapted technology, then the technology will embed in organizational routine to be a part of organizational routines. In past literatures, there are seldom use “organizational routine” to explore technology adoption. The study will take the “organizational routine” view to understand adoptive process in technology and organizational adaption.
    The study is an qualitative research that reviews and analysis a famous computer OEM ( Original Equipment Manufacturer) in Taiwan. The study explore the process of a company adopted the PLM(product Lifecycle Management) to improve the performance of design-chain management. In the study , I analysis the organizational routines and the organizational routines embedded in PLM that before and after adopt PLM. And, the study find a routines conflict phenomenon that I call “routine crossover”. It is a important phenomenon in technology adoption that never discuss in prior research.
    The theoretical contribution as followings: First, the study reflected whether those prior literatures ignore the important of the “Technology Spirit” ? The technology adaption could not only focus on functional level but also spirit level. Second, by to reflect the spirit that embedded in technology, the study illustrate that the “learning disfunction” and argued that the effective technology adaption was come from effective interpret the technology spirit. Third, the study respond Feldman’s argument that “Organizational routines as a source of continuous change”, extend to “The reflect of organizational routines is a path of change.”
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