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    Title: 探討寄養家庭親生子女對於家庭寄養服務的感受及其經驗
    Investigation of feeling and experience of foster parents’ children to the family foster care service
    Authors: 蔡婉貞
    Contributors: 謝美娥
    Keywords: 家庭寄養照顧服務
    family foster care service
    foster parents’ children
    foster family
    Date: 2010
    Issue Date: 2013-09-04 09:47:08 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究採用質性研究方法來探討寄養家庭親生子女對於家庭寄養服務的感受及其經驗,研究共選取九位寄養家庭親生子女進行深度訪談。本研究的研究目的為:第一,了解寄養家庭親生子女對於家庭寄養服務的感受;第二,了解寄養家庭親生子女對於寄養兒少的看法;第三,了解家庭寄養服務經驗對寄養家庭親生子女所造成的影響以及衝擊;第四,了解寄養家庭親生子女獲得哪些協助,以減緩寄養兒少所帶來的衝擊。本研究與台灣世界展望會台北家庭服務中心以及台灣兒童暨家扶基金會合作,選取符合的寄養家庭親生子女參與研究,研究結果如下:一、大致而言,寄養父母親以及寄養家庭親生子女在寄養安置之前的事前準備工作是缺乏的;二、本研究主要從「寄養前」以及「寄養後」來了解親生子女對於寄養服務的感受,在「寄養前」親生子女可能會主動「開心且期待」的接受,但也可能是被動「遵從但不反對」來面對父母親擔任寄養家庭的決定;「寄養後」,親生子女以「一體兩面」、「樂在其中」、「置身事外」來詮釋自己在寄養服務經驗過程中的感受;三、寄養家庭親生子女主要以「家人」、「朋友」的方式來看待寄養兒少,其中親生子女會因「彼此的年齡差距」、「寄養兒少性別」、「寄養家庭親生子女同享的想法」、「寄養兒少的行為問題」而影響自己對於寄養兒少的態度與互動;四、寄養經驗對於寄養家庭親生子女會造成「家庭生活」以及「個人層面」上的影響;五、針對寄養家庭親生子女所需的協助與需求提出相關的建議。最後,根據本研究結果,針對寄養實務提出相關建議。
    This study utilizes qualitative research to investigate feelings and experiences of biological children of foster parents in the foster family. Nine biological children of foster parents have been selected for in-depth interviews. There are four objectives of the current study: First, biological children’s feeling to the family foster service; Second, biological children’s opinion to foster children; Third, the impact of the experiences on the biological children; Fourth, what services are provided to help the biological children? The World vision and the Taiwan Fund for children and Families assist and provide subjects for the research. The findings are as followed: 1. In general, foster parents and biological children are lack of preparation for the placement of the foster children; 2.The feelings of the biological children are different between “ before” and “after” of the foster. “Before the foster”, biological children may initially accept it, but they may passively obey and silence to face it; “after the foster”, biological children may explain their feeling or experience by “one integrity with both sides”, “enjoy in it” or “ stay out of it”; 3.The biological children of foster parents regard foster children as their parents or friends in the family. The attitude is affected by age difference, foster children’s gender, opinion of the biological children, and problem behavior of the foster children; 4.The impact of experiences on biological children has been twofold: the family life level and the individual level; 5.Finally, the help of the service need are suggested. The study may provide some suggestions based on the research result for future foster family those who engage in foster services and practices.
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