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    Title: 極早期早產兒生命權之探討
    The discussion of the right to life-focus on extreme preterm infants
    Authors: 陳建甫
    Contributors: 王海南
    Keywords: 極早期早產兒
    Right of Life
    extreme prematurity
    borderline viability
    intensive care
    palliative care
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2013-09-03 17:21:01 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 一、研究目的
    (1). 將針對世界各國相關規範下,早產兒之法律地位進行探討,以釐清現行我國規範對於早產兒法律地位所持之立場。
    (2). 促進我國法界前輩更了解照顧早產兒,特別是極早期早產兒所遭遇的醫學倫理困境,能制定更清楚明確的有關極早期早產兒救治的相關法律或更貼切的法律實務判例或見解。
    (1). 文獻探討法,為了解分析照顧早產兒之醫學倫理困境,閱讀中外學者之研究報告、論著等文獻,加以探討。
    (2). 歷史比較研究法,蒐集東西方歷史文獻嬰兒生命權利關係之演變資料加以分析;並且比較探討大陸法系及英美法系諸國對相關之早產兒生命權利相關醫學倫理規範及法律規定。
    (1). 早產兒倂發症、後遺症及存活率之情況
    (2). 東西方嬰兒生命權利關係之演變史
    (3). 照顧早產兒之醫護人員及早產兒家長的困境研究
    (4). 國內生命權相關法律規定及醫療法規之分析
    (5). 國內外極早期早產兒生命權相關醫學倫理規範及法律規定之分析比較
    (6). 更適切之早產兒生命權利法律見解之提出
    As article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights prescribes “Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.”, the right to life is the most fundamental human right. However, extremely preterm infants (20 to 23 weeks of gestation) are infants of borderline viability. They are at greater risk for mortality and severe disability. Who can surrogate to make decisions about resuscitation with intensive care or palliative care for them in terms of their best interests? It is a dilemma. There is a potential conflict between palliative care and the general medical duty to save life. It presents complex medical, legal, ethical and social issues for their parents and the health professionals. Until now, it is still out ruled legally in Taiwan. This article focuses on the right to life of extreme prematurity. We will discuss different insights about the right to life of infant from history, culture, society and religion in the world, and analyze guidelines and legal regimes of different countries. Based on that, we can get objective solutions to the right to life of extreme prematurity in Taiwan, as an aid for parents in making ethical and legally based decisions.
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