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    Title: Labor trafficking in taiwan: supply driven or policy driven?
    Authors: 吳佩娟
    Wu, Peichuan
    Contributors: 蕭乃沂
    Hsiao, Naiyi
    Wu, Peichuan
    Keywords: 人口販運
    human trafficking
    runaway foreign laborer
    irregular foreign laborer, illegal foreign laborer
    labor trafficking
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2013-09-03 16:19:36 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: Human trafficking has existed in various forms throughout human history, but it never drew public attention until recent years. This thesis attempts to explore the causes of labor trafficking by empirical research and provide the government with anti-trafficking measures for Taiwan.
    The research comprised both quantitative and qualitative methods, in which a questionnaire survey was administered and in-depth interviews were conducted. A total of 167 illegal foreign laborers detained in the Yilan Detention Center and 7 social workers in shelters for trafficking victims participated in the study.
    Results of the research showed that most runaway foreign laborers came to Taiwan with the assistance of a broker agency, and that they paid brokerage fees with bank loans, while irregular foreign laborers were assisted by friends or relatives in their homelands or in Taiwan and paid their way with personal savings or loans from friends or relatives. It is common for both runaway foreign laborers and irregular foreign laborers to be charged extra fees and to be paid less than they were told before entering Taiwan.
    Labor trafficking in Taiwan is largely the result of a system of high brokerage fees without a standard and transparent mechanism. In addition, contract foreign laborers cannot change employers at will, which is also a key factor. Consequently, the government of Taiwan should actively negotiate with labor exporting nations to manage the payment of brokerage fees and modify foreign labor policy to decrease the illegality of foreign laborers and employers.
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