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Title: | 晚婚女性公務員婚姻觀與擇偶偏好之研究 A study of marital values and mate-selection preferences of female civil servants who get married late |
Authors: | 吳如茵 Wu,ju ying |
Contributors: | 林顯宗 吳如茵 Wu,ju ying |
Keywords: | 晚婚 婚姻觀 擇偶偏好 get married late marital value mate-selection preferences |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2013-09-03 16:06:06 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年,臺灣社會晚婚人口急速攀升,導致單身人口增加,進而造成了生育少子化、人口高齡化等人口結構面的影響外,在其他政治、經濟、社會、勞動力等各方面,也衍生不同程度的問題,晚婚現象不只是男女兩性的問題。因此,此課題值得深究。本研究旨在探究晚婚、未婚及單身等現象是否亦反映在收入穩定的女性公務員上,期望藉由窺探晚婚女性公務員婚姻觀及擇偶偏好之樣貌,企圖瞭解真正形成晚婚的深層因素,並提供許多晚婚女性公務員,做為對自我認識之參考。 本研究採質性研究之深度訪談法。研究對象總數共計10人,均為30歲(含)以上迄今仍未曾有過法律婚約關係及婚姻經驗、且現仍服務於政府各機關之女性公務員。經分析訪談資料後,所得研究發現綜述如下: 一、對婚姻的必要性多抱持正面看法,普遍認為晚婚是一種趨勢,表示35歲以 後才算晚婚,並抱持著隨緣等待的消極態度。而30歲代表著步入人生另一 個階段,對未來的不確定感也會因此加深。 二、期望中的理想婚姻樣貌係夫妻共組小家庭、經濟無虞,彼此是對等、分享 的關係。在家務分擔上各自負責擅長部分,並能視實際工作狀況相互協 調。 三、生活圈狹隘及已逾適婚年齡為目前最主要遭遇的擇偶困境。此外,對性有 高度自主性,普遍能接受與男友有婚前性行為。 四、交往經驗中對方家人的態度及預期婚後與公婆相處的壓力,都是主要考量 是否進ㄧ步交往或步入婚姻的要素。 五、晚婚女性公務員在選擇其婚配對象時,最看重心靈層面的情感條件,在意 雙方的溝通狀況及親密感。 本研究根據研究發現,提出以下建議: 一、建議晚婚女性公務員應積極參與活動,培養個人興趣,拓展生活及增廣自 身見聞,主動發展話題。並應建立正向信念,親友經驗做為參考之用。 二、釐清自我需求,設定適合、務實的擇偶條件,及早規劃人生道路、積極拓 展人際。 三、應建立正確的婚姻教育及觀念,重新確立婚姻的意義及重要性,培養獨立 自主的生活能力及擔當精神。 四、建議機關單位可多舉辦跨機關、跨科室之聯誼活動,提供多元交友管道, 拓展認識異性之機會。 In recent years, the number of people getting married late in Taiwan has been rising rapidly. It leads to the increases of single people, which results in further demographic structure changes such as fewer newborns and aging populations. It also causes different problems in other social aspects such as politics, economy, society and labor force. The phenomenon of people getting married late isn’t just a gender problem. Therefore, this subject is worthy of inquiry. This study is about investigating if the phenomenon of people getting married late and single makes an impact on the female civil servants, who have steady incomes. In this study, I try to understand the profound reasons that cause female civil servants to get married late by observing their marital values and mate-selection preferences. This study will serve as a reference to them that might help them to understand themselves better. This study is conducted in a qualitative research methodology through in-depth interviews with 10 female civil servants, who are over 30-year-old and never have marriage relationships. After analyzing their interview data, this study finds as blew: 1. They all feel positive about the necessity of marriage. However, they also think that it’s a trend to get married late, which is over 35-year-old. And they keep passive attitudes toward marriage. Being 30-year-old means step into another stage of life to them, and it will deepen the feeling of uncertainty for the future. 2. The ideal marriage is a nuclear family. The couple are financially free, and having an equal and sharing relationship. They share household chores which coordinate with their works. 3. Narrowness of life circle and being over marriageable age are the main obstacles for them to find partners. In addition, they value sexual autonomy and premarital sex is acceptable to most of them. 4. The attitude of their partner’s family members and the foreseeable pressure of getting along with their parents-in-law after getting married are the main considerations whether they should have a relationship or get married. 5. When it comes to mate-selection, the emotional aspect is the most important condition for those female civil servants who get married late. They care about how they communicate with their mates and the close feeling between them. Based on this study, I made several recommendations as below: 1. For female civil servants who get married late, I suggest that they should be more positive in activities, expand their life and experiences and find conversation topics actively. Establish positive faith and learn from the experiences of relatives and friends. 2. Define their own needs and pragmatic conditions for their future partners.Make a plan for life earlier and expand interpersonal relationships actively. 3. Establish correct ideas about marriage. Re-establish the meaning and importance of marriage. And cultivate an independent life ability and responsible attitude. 4. I recommend the government agencies to hold more gatherings cross organizations and offices. They will provide civil servants multi-dimensional channels to make friends and expand opportunities to know friends of opposite sex. |
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