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    题名: 我國政府三大緊急應變體系功能整合之研究-跨域治理理論之應用
    The study on functional intergration of three emergency response systems in taiwan govenmance-the application of cross-bountary theory
    作者: 張念華
    Chang, Nien Hua
    贡献者: 詹中原
    Chang, Nien Hua
    关键词: 災害防救
    The disaster against rescues
    All the people defend the mobilization
    All the people fight the strength synthesis to be coordinated
    Homeland security
    Crisis management
    Cross boundary government
    Urgent strain
    日期: 2009
    上传时间: 2013-09-03 16:02:15 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 政府存在的目的,在維持人民基本的生活水準,在促使民眾能在自由、安和、樂利的平等的社會環境,並透過與運用法律、道德所允許的公權力手段,以促進社會的繁榮為最高之宗旨;但在目前政府處理危機緊急應變機制計有國土安全會報、災害防救會報及全民防衛動員準備業務會報(此即政府三大緊急應變體系)等,並自2005年起推動合併運作迄今,在中央政府之作法,似已達實際聯合運作與資源整合之效益,然在實際運作情形因需涉及中央與地方間權責分工關係?各公民營事業機構等體系能否協同運作之勾聯?等問題,現有運作並非如此順暢,究其原因係政府在面對新型態的危機發生時,三大應變體系聯合運作所能回應與處理的緊急應變處置作為,不僅未能有效的解決危機與事件所引發的問題,甚者更成為危機處置的亂源與礙手礙腳始作俑者;實有再予檢視與探討空間,以期建立一個權責相符且明確的緊急應變機制。
    The primary purpose of the government existence is maintaining the integrity of the people`s basic living standard, encouraging people to have freedom, peace, and equality. Furthermore, under the law and morality, by means of public power to promote social prosperity. Since 2005, the Taiwan government has amalgamated and promoted the joint operation of three urgent strain response systems which includes homeland security council, disaster council, and national defense mobilization council (these three are the urgent strain response systems of Taiwan Government). The government`s approach seems to have reached the joint operation of resources integration of benefits. However, in the actual operation, the problems were emerged from the conflict involved between Central and local authorities, the responsibilities between the public and private utilities, and how to implement the operation of the system of cooperative association. To trace the causes, the joint operation of three major urgent strain response systems is incapable to respond and handle emergency disposal when facing a new state crisis. Moreover, it might cause the crisis of the source of chaos and drag initiator. Definitely, there is a need for further review and assessment to establish a consistent and clear responsibilities among these three urgent strain response systems.
    This article attempts to use cross-domain governance as a starting point to assess the system. The government impetus the urgent strain of government presently, the three urgent strain response systems are the part of crisis management which includes lots of work and connections with other majority organizations. Because the association constitutes various members base on the different tasks, some members may belong to different divisions. Even the enterprises which run by the local people are the members of the “cross-boundary governance” which should be closely related each other. Since 2005, the government has actively promoting circumstances, even the government has enough information and resources of handling emergency situation, this government (administration) still censured by the public. The reason is that the emergency structure of our government is out of frame and inconsistence. In addition, Taiwan is facing the high pressure of becoming globalization. The impact of changes of the environment resulted in the formation of compound disaster crises emerged, the needs of diverse technologies and social science and people generally demand comprehensive crisis management along with cross-domain administration, so this paper is based on “cross-boundary governance” and “crisis management”, by using the literature reviews, seminars and workshops, questionnaires and surveys to assess the joint operation of three urgent strain systems of Taiwan Government, and the public use of the vast resources, to apply the internet functions and cross-domain governance model, will be able to reach the overall resources and effectively integrating the common crisis management of Taiwan Government.
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