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Title: | 住宅新推個案市場價量關係之分析 The relation between housing price and trading volume |
Authors: | 羅于婷 |
Contributors: | 張金鶚 羅于婷 |
Keywords: | 住宅空間次市場 Granger因果檢定 價量關係 波及效果 |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2013-09-03 14:51:01 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 價量關係研究於金融市場甚豐,然於台灣之住宅新推個案市場則相當匱乏,因此本研究關注台灣住宅新推個案市場之價量關係,考量住宅空間次市場差異,區分為內部關係─價量關係,以及外部關係─價/量波及效果。研究以全國及五大都會區為(台北市、台北縣、桃竹地區、台中都會區及南高都會區)為空間範圍;1996年第1季至2009第4季之可能成交價、成交量資料,運用時間序列分析方法,釐清住宅空間次市場內部之價量關係是否存在差異,以及次市場間成交價/量是否存在相互影響的效果,以提供預測市場價量趨勢之參考。 研究結果顯示台北市之成交量領先成交價3期,價量交互影響程度較其他地區大,可知台北市住宅市場之成交量變動在住宅市場趨勢預測中更為關鍵;南高都會區之價量存在共整合關係,表示價量調整具長期均衡,背離程度有限;台北縣、桃竹地區及台中都會之價量則無明顯領先落後關係,價量關係相對薄弱。波及效果之研究結果顯示成交價之波及效果主要由台北都會區擴散至其他都會區,影響方向為單向且範圍較大;成交量則以相對鄰近之都會區為影響範圍,影響主要為雙向,但範圍較小。本研究認為台灣住宅市場過度關注價格訊息,然而更應重視成交量變化的掌握,並關注住宅空間次市場基本結構之差異,避免使消息面造成的過度預期成為主導市場的力量。 There are numerous researches in stock markets and finance, but few in Taiwan newly construction and pre-sale housing markets. Using the Cathay Real Estate Index Quarterly Reports for the period 1996-2009 and applying Granger causality test, the thesis examines price and volume relationship in five metropolises (Taipei City, Taipei County, Taoyuan-Hsinchu, Taichung Metropolis and Tainan-Kaohsiung) in Taiwan. And with the concern of the differences of housing submarkets, the price and volume relationship is classified as intra-relationship and inter-relationship. The former is price and volume relationship in a certain metropolis, the later is the ripple effects of housing price or trading volume between metropolises. The result of intra-relationship shows that housing price Granger-cause the trading volume in Taipei city. That is, volume provides useful information to predict future price. And there is a long-run relationship in Tainan-Kaohsiung metropolis. From the aspect of inter-relationship, housing price changes first in Taipei City and Taipei County; trading volumes have mutual ripple effect between two neighboring metropolises. The results of the research are useful for housing market participants: We should keep an eye on the changes of trading volume. Also the structure of the submarket is fundamental to form the investment strategies. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 地政研究所 97257016 98 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0097257016 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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