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Title: | 工業地域廠商研發績效之研究-以生物科技產業為例 Firms’ R&D performance in industrial district -the case study of biotechnology industry |
Authors: | 邱纓喬 Chiu, Ying Chiao |
Contributors: | 邊泰明 Ben, Tai Ming 邱纓喬 Chiu, Ying Chiao |
Keywords: | 工業地域 研發績效 Industrial district R&D performance |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2013-09-03 14:48:17 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在主要的文獻中皆認為工業地域能帶來外部經濟,諸如: 廠商在工業地域中能受益於外部知識以及依賴外部知識的資源、仰賴外部知識的關係,而成為廠商創新的動能。
關鍵字:工業地域、研發績效 The body literature tends to assume that industrial district can increase external economies. For example, all the competitiveness firms in a industrial district can get the benefit from external knowledge. Depending on exteral sources of knowledge and relationships will be the energy of innovation. Accordingly, our research examines the effect of industrial district on the R&D performance of biotechnology industry . In this study, first we demarcate three main industrial clustering districts in Taiwan. Second, we observe the R&D performance in the three main industrial clustering districts by four external factors which are industrial district, industry cluster, geographical proximity and R&D network.; and third we also analyze internal factors on the impact of performance of biotechnology industry, which are R&D department, number of employees, R&D personnel and R&D expense. Results show that geographical proximity facilitates knowledge sharing and interactive learning and innovation. Moreover, we find that industry cluster is an important factor of R&D performance of biotechnology industry. In addition, the general claim that number of employees and R&D personnel are helpful to firm’s R&D performance. In our research we find the same conclusion, that shows abounding knowledge is the core of the biotechnology industry. Finally, the empirical results indicate that low R&D expense is negatively related to R&D performance, and there is no different performance on Taiwan’s three main industrial clustering districts.
Keywords:Industrial district, R&D performance |
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