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    Title: 幼稚園教師多元文化人格、經驗與多元文化教學能力之研究
    A study of the relationship between the Kindergarten Teachers’ Multicultural Personality, experience and Multicultural Teaching Competence
    Authors: 李宛霏
    Lee, Wan Fei
    Contributors: 簡楚瑛
    Chien, Chu Ying
    Lee, Wan Fei
    Keywords: 幼稚園教師
    kindergarten teachers
    multicultural education
    multicultural personality
    multicultural experience
    multicultural teaching competence
    Date: 2010
    Issue Date: 2013-09-03 14:02:31 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討不同背景變項(個人背景、園所環境、多元文化人格、多元文化經驗)對幼稚園教師多元文化教學能力之影響。首先了解幼稚園教師不同背景變項與多元文化教學能力之現況;其次分析不同背景變項對多元文化教學能力之差異情形;第三,分析幼稚園教師多元文化人格與多元文化教學能力之間的相關;最後以多元迴歸分析不同背景變項對幼稚園教師多元文化教學能力之預測力。


    The current study focused on the effect of different backgrounds on multicultural teaching competence. The main purposes of this study were to: (a) understand the current situation of the kindergarten teachers’ different backgrounds and multicultural teaching competence; (b) explore the differences between kindergarten teachers’ different backgrounds and multicultural teaching competence; (c) analyze the relationship between kindergarten teachers’ multicultural personality and multicultural teaching competence; (d) explore the predictive power of the teachers’ different backgrounds on the multicultural teaching competence.

    To accomplish these purposes, the methods adopted were a comprehensive literature review and a questionnaire. Two scales were used to measure the following constructs: “multicultural teaching competence” and “multicultural personality”. The teachers also provided information about their teaching experience, multicultural experience, demographics and so on. The teachers of 344 kindergartens (both public and private schools) within New Taipei City were surveyed for this study. A total of 346 teachers participated in this survey, and with an effective response rate of 77.75%. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Cronbach’s α coefficient analysis, factor analysis, T-test, one way ANOVA, LSD posteriority comparison, Pearson’s correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. The main results were summarized as follows:

    1.The most kindergarten teachers’ multicultural personality type is “Cultural empathy”.

    2.With different background variables, kindergarten teachers’ multicultural teaching competence is in parts significantly different.

    3.There is a positive correlation between kindergarten teachers’ multicultural personality and multicultural teaching competence.

    4.“ Kindergarden’s size”, “multicultural personality”, and “ has disabled friends” can predictive kindergarten teachers’ multicultural teaching competence effectively.
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