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Title: | 美國對中國崛起之認知分析:1992~2009年 How U.S. perceive a rising China:1992~2009 |
Authors: | 王怡婷 |
Contributors: | 盧業中 王怡婷 |
Keywords: | 認知 美國公眾 美國菁英 中國崛起 perception U.S. Public U.S. elite China Rising |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2013-09-03 13:46:43 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 中國的國力及影響力在本世紀以來顯著地上升,使得美中關係成為國際事務中最重要的議題。本研究試圖從決策層次的角度來檢視美中關係,透過對一系列意見調查數據的分析及歸納,分別描繪出「美國公眾」及「美國菁英」兩個團體對中國崛起的認知樣貌,並且說明此種認知之內涵與意義。 本研究發現,美國公眾與美國菁英對於中國崛起的認知皆帶有濃厚的務實主義(pragmatism)色彩:他們雖然對美中之間日益接近的經濟力量、中國的軍事發展及以人權狀況感到憂慮,卻同時也認知到中國日益高漲的國際影響力及其所帶來的經濟利益對美國的重要性,因此支持政府與中國進行經濟上的交往,並在能源及亞太安全等議題上合作,而非與之正面衝突。而這樣的務實看法形塑了美國的中國政策,鼓勵了中國在國際體系中的制度性崛起,將可能的衝突來源轉化為兩國間之共同利益,以降低中國的威脅性。值得注意的是,由於美國公眾與美國菁英對外交事務的思考有著層次之別,使得他們在對中國的貿易政策上抱持差異化的觀點;雖然公眾與菁英皆將貿易視為美中之間最大的共同利益,贊同市場開放,但是前者對開放所造成的工作外移感到威脅,在經濟環境惡化時,容易將這樣的認知轉化為對中國的負面觀感,然而,這樣的情況卻容易為後者所忽略。 The power and influence of China have been rising significantly in this era, and made U.S.-China relation the most important issue among international affairs. This study tried to watch the relationship between U.S.-China from decision-making level, drawing the pattern of perception of U.S. public and elite on a rising China separately through summarizing, reasoning and analyzing series of survey of public and elite opinion. This study found that U.S. public and elite both hold a pragmatic perception toward a rising China. Though these two groups feel worried about the narrowing economic strength between U.S. and China, and the development of Chinese military, they also perceive the rising influence of China and the importance of huge economic interest that it brings. Therefore, they both support the government to engage and cooperate with China on trade, energy and security of Asia-Pacific region issues instead of rigid confrontation, which directly formed the China Policy of U.S., encouraged China to develop institutionally in international system. In addition, U.S. public and elite think differently about the trade policy to China due to their basic belief of foreign affairs: The former particularly feels threatened by outsourcing brought by the open market, and this kind of feeling will get stronger when the economy goes down, which easily ignored by the latter. |
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