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    Title: 由社會建構論詮釋陳水扁執政時期台美關係的身分認同與戰略分歧-以兩次總統大選公民投票為例
    Identity and strategic divergence of Taiwan-U.S. relations in social constructivism perspective-the case study of twice referendum under Chen Shui Bian administration
    Authors: 吳威麒
    Contributors: 吳釗燮
    Keywords: 台美關係
    Taiwan-U.S. relations
    Chen Shui-bian
    Social Constructivism
    Date: 2010
    Issue Date: 2013-09-03 13:45:40 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 台灣和美國的關係自冷戰以來即維持密切的互動,從1950年代中期的反共軍事同盟至冷戰結束後台灣的民主化,台灣不論在政治、社會、經濟乃至國家安全的發展變遷上,都深受美國的影響。雖然台灣與美國於1979年經歷斷交的陰影,但台灣與美國至今仍保有相當友好的關係。


    Taiwan and the United States have maintained close interaction and relationship since the Cold War era. The cooperation between the U.S. and Taiwan from the mid-1950s to now, Taiwan was deeply influenced by the U.S. in many aspects, including political, social, economic, democratization and even national security. Although the diplomatic relation between the U.S. and Taiwan was terminated in 1979, but they still maintain strong bilateral ties.

    The popular approaches in academic area for the analysis concerning Taiwan-U.S. bilateral relationship depend on the mainstream international relations theories, including Neo-realism and Neo-liberalism. These two theories emphasize on power structure and material interest, but ignore the causality of identity and strategic interest of states. This thesis takes the perspective of Identity in Social Constructivism as a complementary approach in order to interpret the dynamic changes and identity factors in Taiwan-U.S. relations. The research takes the twice national referendums held together with presidential election in 2004 and 2008 during the Chen Shui-bian Administration period as case studies. Chen’s referendum policies presented the effects of Taiwanese national identity and the strategy of foreign and Cross-Strait policies, those effects can help us interpret the identity and strategic interest variables in Taiwan –U.S. relationship.

    When using the conception of identity from the social constructivism to observe Taiwan-U.S. relations, we can figure that cooperation and coordination persist in some issue areas, but we also can find there are some divergences of strategic interests between U.S. and Taiwan driven by the role identity factors. The hegemonic role identity of the United States drive the insistence on the “One China policy” as her national interest, it is the most difficult part for Taiwan to seek the U.S.’s support for Taiwan’s sovereignty. The strategic divergence between the U.S. and Taiwan in Taiwan’s sovereignty and the referendum policies caused by the differences of their strategic interest come from the role identities.
    Reference: 一、 中文參考文獻


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