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    Title: 以層級分析法 建構G2B計畫評估架構與指標-從價值鏈觀點出發
    A value-chain approach to build G2B program evaluation framework
    Authors: 楊禮榮
    Yang, Li Jung
    Contributors: 朱斌妤
    Chu, Pin Yu
    Yang, Li Jung
    Keywords: 電子化政府
    analytic hierarchy process
    program evaluation
    performance evaluation
    Date: 2010
    Issue Date: 2013-09-03 12:01:42 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,由於ICT的蓬勃發展,政府逐漸增加投資於電子化計畫的線上服務比例與種類,為了理解投資所能獲得的收益,杜絕資源浪費,並促使政府調整施政方向達到良善治理,針對電子化計畫進行評估是勢然必行的。目前許多評估機構逐漸從衡量政府投資電子化政府服務的客觀產出,轉而討論電子化服務使用者端的影響與成果。本研究,以計畫整體流程中所面臨的內部運作與外部感受、客觀產出與抽象成果的評估構面,提出G2B電子化計畫流程評估架構。

    本研究結合Heeks (2006)的價值鏈模型與Millard & Shahin (2006)電子化計畫評估流程建立流程模型,透過文獻整理出評比國家型、網頁感知品質型、滿意模型與利害關係人模型指標,從企業途徑與政府內部途徑角度,探討G2B計畫流程評估架構,並使用層級分析法(analytic hierarchy process),由專家給予衡量G2B計畫推動時,前端到後端階段中重要構面的權重,並根據分析結果討論現今台灣計劃評估傾向上的差異。

    This study aims at building an e-program evaluation chain model combining output evaluation with impact assessments, in order to assess the comprehensive G2B e-program from back-office process to the impact of online services. This study contributes a G2B evaluation framework with six processes integrated by e-government value chain model and e-program evaluation process. Given the concept of external and internal customer,「Business approach」and「Internal-Government approach」is developed in view of stakeholders. By evaluating subjective expert judgments via analytic hierarchy process method, this G2B evaluation framework is given weights and priorities in each hierarchy under both of approaches. The results indicate that impact and outcome assessments should be emphasized, no matter which approach is. Evaluation toward objective output is only a necessary process, but not the destination. As policy suggestions, this study addresses that government should focus on what kinds of value e-program can bring, and evaluate them.
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