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    Title: 協力創新在公部門應用之研究:文建會推動文化創意產業發展政策為例
    Collaborative innovation in the public sector: the case of the council for cultural affairs’ policies promoting cultural and creative industries
    Authors: 彭俊亨
    Peng, Chun Heng
    Contributors: 蕭武桐
    Peng, Chun Heng
    Keywords: 公部門創新
    public sector innovation
    collaborative innovation
    collaborative governance
    cultural and creative industries
    Date: 2010
    Issue Date: 2013-09-03 12:00:22 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 公共部門的組織運作相較於過去,正處在更為不穩定和動盪的環境之中,公部門必須提高其「創新」的能力以為因應,並由於治理網絡形式的顯現,也更加強調公部門創新的重要性。面對當前許多充滿高度複雜與棘手的公共問題,我們不僅需要公共創新的新途徑,同時也要為許多問題的解決方案提出必要的工具。無疑地,吾人必須關注如何透過治理網絡中行動者間的協力,即是公共管理者、民選官員、企業、非營利組織等行動者的協力,用以強化公共創新,因此,「協力創新」可以說是當前公部門創新的重要議題,同時也是公部門面對網絡治理亟欲尋求的新方法。簡言之,欲探究的「協力創新」,則是指以網絡為基礎的協力,促進治理過程中公部門的創新。
    The importance of strengthening innovation in the operation and organization of the public sector is highlighted by both today`s increasingly variable environment and the emergence of governance networks. The many complex and wicked problems that are currently encountered in civil sector indicates a need not only to innovate, but also to come up with necessary tools for solving multiple problems. No doubt the primary focus should be on uniting efforts among actors in governance networks, namely civil sector managers, elected officials, businessmen, and non-profit administrators, in order to strengthen public sector innovation. For these reasons, collaborative innovation is an important topic in public sector innovation and an anxiously pursued new method as the public sector faces collaborative governance. Moreover, collaborative innovation is network-based collaboration that promotes innovation in the public sector governance process.

    This study primarily focuses on theories of public sector collaborative innovation and discussions of actual practice in the field. The study revolves around two key points: a focus on public sector innovation as opposed to commonly discussed business innovation, and innovation in cross-sector collaboration or network-based collaboration as opposed to innovation within a single organization. Questions addressed in this study include: What is meant by public sector collaborative innovation? What are the prerequisites for collaborative innovation processes? How do actors within a network lead innovation through collaborative processes? What are the features or results of collaborative innovation processes? What special experiences have administrators of cultural bureaus had promoting cultural and creative industry policies with collaborative innovation? What difficulties are encountered during processes of collaborative innovation? How can these difficulties be overcome in order to spur collaborative innovation?

    Research of cross-sector and transorganizational collaborative innovation in the public sector is still in its developmental stages. Each collaborative process must be assessed through system design to ensure effective communication and the establishment of trust, as well as to verify leadership, coordination and integration capabilities. Therefore, this study concerned with the application of collaborative innovation in the public sector first constructs its theoretical framework on extant literature in the fields of public sector innovation and collaborative governance, and secondly is directed at the Council for Cultural Affairs use of collaborative innovation in its policies that promote cultural and creative industries. This study employs qualitative empirical research to provide opportunities for mutually verifiable theoretical and practical collaborative innovation applications related to the public sector.

    Results of this study suggest that innovation in the public sector should be directed at creating more public value. Governmental influence, response to external trends, pressure added by work extrinsic to core functions, the collection of external resources and organizational culture cultivating beneficial innovation are all factors that drive collaborative innovation in and around public organizations. Network governance leadership ability, forums for both horizontal and vertical communication, foundations of mutually beneficial trust, and healthy innovation cycles are all influential factors in collaborative innovation processes. Appropriate organizational design in the public sector spurs the development of collaborative innovation, and the manifold values of collaborative innovation result in different innovative forms. Finally, this study aims to make recommendations for the practical application, organizational design and operation of collaborative innovation, and the promotion of cultural and creative industries.
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