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    Title: 太陽能源應用之美國市場研究
    The Study of Photovoltaic (PV) Solar Energy in the United States
    Authors: 貝提畝
    Timothy Beal
    Contributors: 黃仁德
    Hwang, Jen Te
    Timothy Beal
    Keywords: United States
    Renewable Energy
    Natural Gas
    Government Policies
    United States
    Renewable Energy
    Natural Gas
    Government Policies
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2013-09-02 17:40:12 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: Solar PV energy is one of the fastest growing forms of renewable energy in the world. Since the last decade, the PV market has been expanding rapidly in the United States as a result of government policies, financial incentives, and declines in costs for installed PV systems. PV manufacturers have grown in number in order to meet increasing demand, but global oversupply has made profitability for most PV suppliers in the U.S. challenging. Despite the impressive rate of market growth, electricity produced by PV is still not cost-competitive with traditional forms of electricity generation without government support. An abundant supply of natural gas in the U.S. and its growing role as a source of electricity also presents a unique challenge to the development of renewable energies such as solar PV. Nevertheless, the PV market continues to expand and is predicted to maintain strong growth over the next several years in the U.S., even though much uncertainty remains on its long-term prospects.
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