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    Title: 中台日防空識別區現狀與釣魚台爭議解決可能性之研究
    The current status of ADIZ and the possibility resolution of Diaoyutais dispute study among mainland China, Taiwan and Japan.
    Authors: 阮甫寬
    Juan, Fu Kuan
    Contributors: 李明
    Lee, Ming
    Juan, Fu Kuan
    Keywords: 防空識別區
    ADIZ (air defense identification zone)
    Diaoyutai Islands (Diaoyutais)
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2013-09-02 17:37:27 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 防空識別區設置的主要目的,為掌握靠近本國領域範圍的航空器之來歷與目的,以確保國家安全。至於釣魚台則為台灣附屬島嶼,因歷史種種因素,成為中台日領土爭議的焦點之一,基於國際現實趨勢,本論文將嘗試以賽局理論及危機處理等分析中台日防空識別區議題,作為釣魚台爭議解決可能性之研究。
    ADIZ (Air defense identification zone) is setting up for the purpose of ensuring the national security, to grasp the origin and attempting of aircraft near its territory. As for the Diaoyutais, an island group that is part of Taiwan, it becomes a focus among mainland China, Taiwan and Japan, as a territorial dispute, owing to series factors in history. Based on the trend of international reality, this study would try to analyse the issue of ADIZ among mainland China, Taiwan and Japan by Game Theory and Crisis Management, to discuss the possibility resolution of Diaoyutais dispute.
    In 1972, The United States handed over the jurisdiction of Diaoyutais with Ryukyu to Japan, induces endless protests from Taiwan and mainland China till now. On September 11, 2012, Japan government nationalized Diaoyutais, instantly lead to violent anti-Japanese demonstrations erupted across mainland China, lots of warships and fighters crowded from Japan and mainland China, 75 fishing ships set out for Diaoyutais protection by Su-ao Fishermans Asocciation and preotest movement from Taiwan. As for negotiation or talks, all of communication were halted between mainland China and Japan. The sovereignty safeguarding continued, visiting allies or accessing one’s own arranged, and new topics thrown by mainland China and Japan, which are trying to endeavour supports and realise the speculative intention and abilities of other’s, and seems to prepare negotiation someday. Although Taiwan and Japan have reached "Taiwan-Japan Fisheries Agreement", but still failed to resolve all issues about Diaoyutais. Basically, mainland China and Taiwan have same target of the issue regarding as Diaoyutais not belonging to Japan, but difficult to safeguard sovereignty together under the reality of political circumstance.
    The major issues involved in the Diaoyutais are "Resources" and "Strategy". To achieve the balance of interests and sharing, from the game perspective views of ADIZ, tripartite would still confront for the factors of strategic alliance relationship, nationalism, economy, and they should follow " Shelving disputes, Establishing mutual trust, and developing common prosperity" program to establish cooperation framework with specific works, in order to obtain an optimal "solution" to eliminate the threats of East Asian security.
    In summary, the Diaoyutais has been known as deserted islands before, and becomes a focus under competing among mainland China, Taiwan and Japan, for "Resources" and "Strategy". Facing upon the economy, nationalism, and strategic alliance, tripartite should reduce nationalist confrontation first, deal with economic reform and cooperation later, and establish mutual trust mechanism finally, to meet the purpose of tripartite in Diaoyutais sovereignty dispute,and to make further progress towards permanent settlement goals.
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