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Title: | 母親就業型態對青少年子女學業成就之影響 The Effects of Different Types of Maternal Employment on Children`s Academic Achievement in Taiwan |
Authors: | 陳冠樺 Chen, Guang Hua |
Contributors: | 鄭同僚 關秉寅 Cheng, Tung Liao Kuan, Ping Yin 陳冠樺 Chen, Guang Hua |
Keywords: | 職業婦女 就業 教育長期追蹤資料庫 傾向分數配對 maternal employment working mothers TEPS propensity score matching |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2013-09-02 17:27:05 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著教育水準的提升以及性別平等工作的推動,我國女性勞動參與率逐年上升,然而「男主外,女主內」的傳統觀念卻仍普遍存在,職業婦女並未因走入就業市場而卸下承擔家庭主要照顧者的責任,因此較男性承受了更多的壓力,同時也衍生子女照護與家庭衝突等問題,反映工作與家庭生活間之調和實不容輕忽。本文即為探討母親就業型態與青少年子女學業成就的關係,藉以瞭解職業婦女與子女學習間平衡選擇的可能性。 本文使用台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫(Taiwan Education Panel Survey, TEPS)樣本,以雙親家庭子女為主要研究對象,將TEPS國中學生的母親就業情形區分為國一至國三階段皆就業者、只國一階段就業者、只國三階段就業者以及國中階段皆未就業者等四種類型。本文運用傾向分數配對法進行母親就業的平均處理效果的估算,以子女國中時期母親皆未就業者作為對照組,分別探討前述三種類型的就業母親,若選擇不就業的情況下,其就業對子女學習成就的平均處理效果為何? 研究結果發現:一、母親在子女國中階段就業期間長者,就業者與未就業者的差異點愈多。母親就業狀態較持續穩定者,母親個人特質及家庭環境條件傾向處於較為優勢地位。二、就整體趨勢而言,母親就業對青少年子女學業成就表現有不利影響,惟效果值多僅介於1~2分範圍(總分為100分)。若從母親就業期間長短和階段差異來看,國一至國三階段母親皆就業者並未出現不利效果往上累積的情形,反而是只其中一波就業者(短期就業)比皆就業者(長期就業)的不利效果來得大一些。三、子女性別及家庭社經地位等不同背景條件的母親就業,對其子女學業成就的影響效果亦不同。一般而言,母親就業較不利於男孩以及中上階級子女的學業成就表現。 With decreasing gender inequality in educational attainment, female participation in the labor force has increased over the years. However, the traditional concept of men being “breadwinners” and women being “homemakers” remains. For working women, employment doesn’t mean less family responsibilities. It creates more pressure on the shoulders of women than on men and brings on problems with child care and family conflicts. The effects of working life of both wife and husband on family life cannot be ignored. This paper discusses the relationship between the type of maternal employment and the academic achievement of children from grades 7th to 9th in Taiwan. It attempts to understand the possibility of balancing decisions concerning their children’s learning and being employed among married women. This paper used data of junior high students collected by the Taiwan Education Panel Survey (TEPS) in 2001 and 2003 and focuses on the sample of students with both parents. It further divided maternal employment situations into four types: mothers employed from grades 7th to 9th of their children , mothers employed only in grade 7th, mothers employed only in grade 9th, and mothers not employed from grades 7th to 9th. This paper used the method of propensity score matching to estimate the average treatment effects on the treated, that is, mothers` employment. In other words, the paper intended to find out what the average treatment effect of the employment on children`s academic achievement would be if mothers employed in one of the three maternal employment situations had chosen not to be employed instead. The results were as follows: First, the longer that mothers were employed during their children`s junior high years, the more differences in family or personal backgrounds were found between employed mothers and non-employed mothers. The employed mothers whose employment status continued to be stable tended to have more advantageous family conditions and personal backgrounds. Secondly, in general, the maternal employment had negative impacts on children’s academic achievement. The negative effects, however, varied between 1 to 2 points (out of 100 points) only. Moreover, mothers continuously employed throughout children`s junior years did not show any cumulative adverse effect on children`s academic achievement, while the short-term maternal employment (mothers employed only at grade 7 or at grade 9 of their children) had larger negative effect than that of the long-term employment (mothers employed all the way from grade 7 to grade 9). Thirdly, depending on children`s gender and family socioeconomic status, different types of maternal employment conditions had different impacts on their children’s academic achievement. In general, maternal employment had more adverse effects on boy’s academic achievement and the same was true for the children of middle and upper class families. |
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