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Title: | 華人權威取向之概念建構與實徵研究:本土心理學研究取徑 Conceptualization and Empirical Studies on Chinese Authoritarian Orientation: An Indigenous Approach |
Authors: | 簡晉龍 Chien, Chin Lung |
Contributors: | 黃囇莉 Huang, Li Li 簡晉龍 Chien, Chin Lung |
Keywords: | 本土心理學 社會取向 關係主義 權威性人格 權威取向 authoritarian orientation authoritarian personality Chinese relationalism indigenous psychology social orientation |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2013-09-02 16:44:24 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究採取本土心理學研究取徑,在關係主義(Hwang, 2000)的預設下,以楊國樞(1993a, 2004)權威取向為基礎,探究華人權威取向的形成及內涵,並進行實徵研究證成之。研究一為質性研究。根據18位受訪者的敘說資料(10位男性和8位女性),獲得權威取向形成的歷程及歷程中各階段的權威取向內涵(成分)。「前權威取向階段」是權威取向尚未形成的階段;「工具性階段」會形成「權威畏懼」與「權威依賴」(合稱「工具性權威取向);「義務性階段」會形成「權威敬重」與「權威服從」(合稱「義務性權威取向);到了「習慣性階段」,先前階段習得的心理與行為模式都會變成習慣反應,也會衍生出「權威敏感」。基本上,後面階段產生的心理成分並不是取代前面階段,而是在新增到權威取向內涵之中,因此,權威取向的形成是由簡單而趨向複雜的過程。研究二以師生關係(指導教授和研究生)為脈絡,探究義務性權威取向在上下關係中的功能。研究二A為調查研究,有效樣本227;研究二B採準實驗法,有效樣本177。結果發現:權威敬重可預測畢業前對指導教授(上位者/權威)的恭敬行為和順從反應,也可預測畢業後的恭敬行為和關係維繫意願;權威服從可預測畢業前和畢業後的順從反應和幫忙協助指導教授之意願。此外,不論義務性權威取向是高或低,只要上位者違反強制義務,都會大幅減少畢業前和畢業後的恭敬行為、順從反應、幫忙協助及關係維繫意願;對於權威敬重較強的人,在上位者執行強制義務後,則更願意提供幫忙協助(畢業前和畢業後皆然)。以上結果顯示,在上下關係脈絡中,義務性權威取向確實有其功能,且即便脫離正式權力關係依然發揮著作用,展現其係以角色義務為基礎的構念。研究三藉由權威敏感來展現權威取向的習慣性面向。研究三A採調查研究,有效樣本212;研究三B採實驗法,有效樣本60。結果顯示:在人際場合中,權威覺察是普遍存在的,背後的基礎主要是一種習慣;此外,權威覺察後,若有權威在場,人們會立即展現恭敬的行為反應(如:起立),這是一種自動化的習慣反應。以上結果顯示,華人權威取向具有習慣性的一面。最後,將本研究的構念體系,分別與楊國樞的權威取向、西方的權威性人格做一比較,並提出本研究之理論貢獻,緊接著對權威取向的變與不變(社會層次與個人層次)、權威取向的範疇特定性等議題進行討論,並引出未來研究方向。 Based on Chinese relationalism (Hwang, 2000) and the conceptualization of authoritarian orientation by Yang (1993a, 2004), an indigenous approach was used to investigate the formation process and components of Chinese “authoritarian orientation” (AO). A series of studies was conducted, the first of which was a qualitative study, followed by a survey, and quasi-experimental and experimental studies. Study 1 was a qualitative study in which 18 participants (10 men and 8 women) were interviewed regarding their experiences of interacting with authority figures (e.g., parents and teachers) since childhood. According to the participants, 4 stages of the Chinese AO formation process exist: the “pre-AO,” “instrumental,” “obligational,” and “habitual” stages. In addition, Chinese AO has been identified as comprising 2 sub-orientations (instrumental orientation and obligational orientation) and 5 psychological components (authority-dread, authority-dependence, authority-reverence, authority-obedience, and authority-sensitivity). In Study 2 we investigated the obligational orientation function of AO in the context of teacher-student (advisor-advisee) relationships, which have been and remain a vital vertical relationship in Chinese societies (e.g., Taiwan). A survey method was adopted in Study 2A, using 227 valid samples, and Study 2B was a quasi-experimental study in which 177 valid participants were recruited. The results indicated that an advisee’s obligational orientation exerts a positive effect on “respectful behaviors,” “submissive reactions,” and “helping behaviors” in school and after graduation, as well as on relationship maintenance. Advisees who have high authority-reverence will be likely to provide their advisors with assistance before and after graduation if advisors fulfill their compulsory obligations. In addition, regardless of whether an advisee’s obligational orientation is strong or weak, if advisors violate their compulsory obligations, an advisee’s respectful behavior, submissive reactions, helping behaviors, and relationship maintenance intentions would be reduced. Authority-sensitivity, one of the AO components, is defined as a habit. A person sensitive to authority is accustomed to verifying whether an authority figure is nearby during interpersonal contact (termed “authority-awareness”) and subsequently performs respectful behaviors automatically and habitually if an authority figure is present (termed “corresponding behaviors”). A survey method was adopted in Study 3A, using 212 valid samples and Study 3B was experimental and included 60 valid participants. The results indicated that most people habitually notice if an authority figure is present during interpersonal contact; in addition, respectful behaviors (e.g., standing and bowing) are automatically prompted when primed by a demonstration of authority cues. Authority-sensitivity as a habit-based construct was supported. Finally, Chinese AO as constructed in this study was compared with Yang’s AO and the authoritarian personality as defined in the Western literature. Theoretical implications were proposed and future research directions were also discussed. |
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