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Title: | 外籍生中文姓名之分析研究──以國立政治大學之外籍生為研究對象 Foreign Students` Chinese Names-An Example of Foreign Students at National Chengchi University |
Authors: | 鄒宜軒 |
Contributors: | 宋韻珊 鄒宜軒 |
Keywords: | 外籍學生 華語教師 中文姓名 命名原則 文化認同 International student Chinese teacher Chinese name Naming principle Cultural identity |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2013-09-02 16:43:44 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 由於全球「華語熱」的風潮,「華語」逐漸躍升為世界前三大強勢語言,因此近年來許多外籍生多選擇至中國大陸或臺灣進行短期或長期的專業中文培訓。然而,外籍生在正式接觸漢字及中華文化之前,首先必須面臨的課題便是中文名字的命名。由於「姓名」承載了各國語言中特定的文化內涵與社會風尚,因此不同國籍的外籍生在面臨中文姓名的命名時,必定也會受到不同程度的文化衝擊(Culture shock)。 本研究屬於質性研究,所採用的研究方法為內容分析法及訪談調查法,樣本資料的蒐集與訪談對象的來源是就讀於國立政治大學的外籍生。本文主要探討的核心問題有三:第一,分析外籍生的中文姓名在形、音、義的語言結構與文化特徵;第二,了解外籍生對中文姓名的偏好及對中華文化的認同程度;第三,釐清華語教師為外籍生命名的過程、所依據之原則以及與學生溝通協調的情形。另外,本文也將一併探討中英姓名文化的歷史源流,並比較其背後所隱含的民族心理與社會價值觀,以作為研究核心問題的基礎架構。 研究結果顯示:外籍生的中文姓名在語言結構上的特徵為筆畫偏少、從原名音譯為主、多選用具有正面意義的用字;在文化特徵上,其中文姓名具有明顯的性別特徵,且選字的自由度較高。此外,外籍生對於中文姓名的字形及字義較為重視,且多偏好漢化程度較高的中文名字。在華語教師的命名原則方面,則是以符合華人命名習慣、中文名字能配合學生母語姓名的發音、讀音和諧、易寫好記為主。 探究外籍生中文命名的課題,對於華語課堂教學本身及中華文化的弘揚都有重要的價值與意義,不僅能強化外籍生對於中華文化的認同感,更能營造良好的教學氛圍,對於提高其跨文化交際的能力也有莫大的裨益。 Chinese has gradually emerged as the world`s top three significant languages because of the hot trend of Chinese learning around the world. Therefore, many international students have been visiting Taiwan or China, where provides the professional teaching quality and learning environment to train their Chinese abilities. Hence, naming becomes the first issue which these international students may confront before they formally explore the Chinese characters and cultures. Chinese name is a complicated language symbol which represents one’s uniqueness and contains specific culture connotations and customs, so the cultural differences may possibly lead “culture shock” to the international students during the naming process. This qualitative research is conducted by content research method(N=1666)and interview survey method(N=18), the data sources was mainly gathered from the international students of NCCU. The main issues of this research are listed as follows: 1.To analyze the language structures and culture connotations associated with the characters, pronunciation and meanings of the students’ Chinese names. 2. To investigate the students’ personal preferences and the intensity for their cultural inclination. 3. To realize the process and basic principles of the naming issues which the Chinese teachers adopt as well as the communication and negotiation between the teachers and students. In addition, the study will investigate the historical origins of the Chinese and English cultures, and compare the ethnic psychology and social norms behind these different cultures to establish a basic structure for the main issues in this research. The result of this research demonstrated that on the structure of the language aspects, the international students prefer the Chinese names which are characterized by simple strokes, transliterated from the original names and including positive meanings. Furthermore, on the cultural aspects, it showed obvious gender characteristics and greater extensive selectivity of characters of the Chinese names. In addition, the international students attach more importance to the characters and the meanings of the Chinese names and showed more preferences to the names which are corresponded with the naming convention of the Chinese community. As for the Chinese teachers, their main naming strategies are: Sticking to the Chinese naming convention, transliterating from the original names, easy pronouncing, writing and memorizing. It is undeniable that this research represents essential values for upgrading the teaching achievement for the Chinese teachers and enhances the cultural inclination for the international students. The last but not least, it is also helpful for the students to promote their ability of intercultural communication with proper Chinese names. |
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