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    Title: 應用文字探勘技術於英文文章難易度分類
    The Classification of the Difficulty of English Articles with Text Mining
    Authors: 許珀豪
    Hsu, Po Hao
    Contributors: 楊建民
    Hsu, Po Hao
    Keywords: 文字探勘
    text mining
    the difficulty of English articles
    the characteristics of the linguistic difficulty of English articles
    the characteristics of the text
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2013-09-02 16:01:55 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 英語學習者如何能在普及的網路環境中,挑選難易度符合自身英文閱讀能力的文章,便是一個值得探討的議題。為了提升文章難易度分類的準確度,近代研究選取許多難易度特徵去分類。本研究希望能夠藉由英文語文難易度特徵、文字特徵,各自歸類和綜合歸類後與原先官方文章類別比較,檢驗是否可以利用語文特徵與文字特徵結合後的歸類結果,來提高準度。
    It is rather an important issue that how to grasp the difficulty of the articles in order to efficiently choose the English articles that match our proficiency in the popularity of Internet. Recently, researchers have selected many characteristics of difficulty degrees in order to enhance the accuracy of the classification. The study aims to simplify the former complicated procedures of article classification by using the classification results of linguistic difficulty characteristics, text characteristics respectively, and the combination of the both; in the hope to raise the accuracy of the classification through the comparison of the results.
    The article classification of the study is based on GEPT official practicing exams. There are three parts of this study: the characteristics of the linguistic difficulty and the text, and the combination of the both. First, the dimensions of the linguistic vectors will be the linguistic characteristics. The articles will be classified into primary, intermediate, or intermediate-high levels by kNN method, considered the comparison basis for the classification of the articles’ difficulty. Second, after GEPT articles are broken into words, the dimensions of the text vectors will be the selected words; the TF-IDF will be the values of the text vectors. The third part is to classify articles by using the combination of the former two results. After comparing the three, the best method is the third, the accuracy is 0.68.
    The study hopes the result could help people choose proper English articles to learn English step by step. In the future, we could classify the articles by the combination of the both of linguistic difficulty characteristics and text characteristics. Not only classified as the different levels, but also classified as the different categories. The learners could choose what they like and the articles could correspond their degree in order to promote the effect of learning.
    Reference: 英文
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0100356036
    Data Type: thesis
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