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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 資訊管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/59297
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    Title: 探討遠距照護服務之關鍵因子
    Exploring key service features that impact the intention, adoption, and continued use of e-health services
    Authors: 廖怡閔
    Contributors: 張欣綠
    Keywords: 遠距照護
    service features
    service usage
    service adoption
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2013-09-02 16:01:21 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 根據以往的研究,遠距照護或醫療必須以客戶為中心,才能在當今競爭激烈的市場中生存。雖然先前的研究已經討論了資訊科技於遠距照護的使用,很少有研究著重於客戶的角度來看,一個良好的遠距照護的客戶的要求是什麼,現在還尚未清楚。
    According to previous research, e-health systems must be customer-focused to survive in today’s competitive market. Although previous studies have discussed e-health ICT usage, few studies have focused on the customer’s point of view. It is still unclear what customers’ requirements for good e-health service are. Thus, this research attempts to determine the service features that affect customers’ intention to adopt and use e-health services. We use the service concept to classify the service features into five categories: by whom, what, for whom, when, and how. We are interested in discovering these service features that can trigger the interest of potential customers, enhance their willingness to adopt the service, and motivate the existing customers to continue using the service.
    The results of this research have shown that the factors that affect people’s intention to adopt the services are: the channel to join the service, the components of the services, disease type and ages , the frequency of service supply, and the satisfaction of service and platform. Also, the factors that affect people adopt the services include: the channel to join the service, the components of the service, disease type and ages, the frequency of service supply, and the satisfaction of service and platform Furthermore, the result shows the factors that affect people to continue using the service are: the component of the service, disease type and ages and the satisfaction of service and platform
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