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Title: | 詐騙集團是說故事高手?-從敘事理論解構詐騙集團的教戰手冊 Fraud group is expert of storyteller?To interpret the scam guideline of fraud group by narrative theory |
Authors: | 何瑞玲 |
Contributors: | 鍾蔚文 何瑞玲 |
Keywords: | 詐騙 反詐騙 教戰手冊 腳本 fraud anti-fraud scam guideline script |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2013-09-02 15:12:32 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在近幾年的台灣社會中,民眾對詐騙已經不再陌生了,政府除了成立165反詐騙專線之外,還砸下許多經費對民眾進行反詐騙的宣傳,但卻仍有上百億元的金錢被騙走,被害人除了有知識水準不高的民眾之外更不乏有高社經地位的科技新貴或是退休公務員等,可見詐騙案件與受害者的背景與教育程度無關。難道詐騙集團真的具有某種特殊能力,能讓受害者毫無警覺的付出大筆金錢?他們是如何突破受害者的心防,能夠不著痕跡的讓受害者越陷越深?
政府要讓反詐騙宣傳有效果應改變方式,除了讓民眾能夠辨識事件真假之外,也應讓民眾知道當民眾捲入不法事件時可有哪些措施,同時再透過宣導短片將檢察官或是警察的辦案方式與正式流程讓民眾了解,不會因無知而繼續受騙,這樣才能真正的落實對民眾反詐騙的宣導 People in Taiwan no longer a stranger on the scam in recent years, the government not only set the 165 anti-fraud hotline, but spent a lot of money for anti-fraud publicity, there are still hundreds of billions of dollars to be cheated. Victims include people who have different degrees of the knowledge and socioeconomic status, e.g. labor, retired civil servants…etc. It seems the occurrences of scam case have nothing to do with the background or education level of victims according to above facts. We may doubt does the fraud gang have the special ability to make people pay large sums of money without alert? How do they bewitch victims and go deeper for more money from victims?
Looking at all of the scam cases, we’ve found that there is a “Scam Guideline“ to be the script for communicating between impostor and victim. We finally find the cause to affect the script is actually by the reflection of personal experience from victim as well as the isolated scenario created by fraud gang when we take the script as an appealing story and analyze it with narrative theory. In such circumstances, even though people receive the anti-fraud propaganda from government by strongly deliver "the prosecutors will not manage people’s account" or “the police will not guarantee people’s money” has not so workable; it still hard to distinguish the true or false events for victims due to they have already involved into the storyline.
Government should adjust its strategy to implement the anti-fraud propaganda, besides to help people know how to tell the genuineness of the event, government also need to educate people to understand the correct methods they could take when they are related in criminal incidents, meanwhile, try to reveal the standard procedure of investigation by prosecutor or police to people via video clips, thus, people won’t be cheated with their naïve sense and the anti-fraud propaganda could be effective on the public advocacy. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 傳播學院碩士在職專班 99941009 101 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0099941009 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [EMA Program in Communication] Theses
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