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Title: | 空中城堡:瓊斯《霍爾的移動城堡》及其續集,以及宮崎駿之動畫改編中的流動性 The Castle in the Air: The Fluidity and Mobility in Jones`s Howl`s Moving Castle, Its Sequel, and Miyazaki`s Anime Adaptation |
Authors: | 李玟慧 Lee, Wen Hui |
Contributors: | 陳音頤 Chen, Yin I 李玟慧 Lee, Wen Hui |
Keywords: | 城堡 童話 流動性 castle fairy tale fluidity |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2013-09-02 11:04:09 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在黛安娜‧韋恩瓊斯的當代童話故事《霍爾的移動城堡》(又譯作《魔幻城堡》)以及《飛天魔毯》裡,瓊斯藉由語言和影像脫離童話故事的傳統。她對於模糊性的操控─包含言語和視覺方面─表達出貫穿兩個故事的重要核心,移動性及流動性。語言的模稜兩可展現在字面與比喻的擺盪中。不斷改變形狀的霍爾城堡具體呈現出瓊斯不斷轉換的語言性質。在兩部小說中,移動和漂浮的城堡在視覺上表達出移動性與流動性。城堡不只是與主要角色的轉變互相呼應,也反映出雙重的語言性質。宮崎駿動畫改編的《霍爾的移動城堡》進一步的將城堡在概念上的轉變化成實體上的變形,呈現出城堡以及主要人物的詭態。此外,流動性也反映了現實,在文字與影像中流露出後現代的精神。 在本篇論文中,我將分析瓊斯多種呈現移動性與流動性的手法。對於兩部現代童話的分析,我主要討論的是瓊斯語言的使用、霍爾城堡的影像、角色與城堡的一致性。我的分析主要是奠基於波普的童話結構和托德洛夫語言理論。第一章集中在瓊斯如何脫離傳統童話以及她對語言的操控。第二章是關於真實世界的城堡以及童話傳統裡的城堡:城堡原始的功能、外部特徵、及象徵意涵。我將解釋瓊斯如何操弄傳統城堡的呈現方式。第三章處理宮崎駿的動畫改編,聚焦於移動城堡的詭態特性以及與主要角色的對應特性。最後一章以後現代的流動性作為總結,點出從瓊斯的小說到宮崎駿的改編,皆呈現出不同程度的流動性。 In her modern fairy tales, Howl’s Moving Castle and Castle in the Air, Diana Wynne Jones deviates from fairy tale tradition by means of language and image. Her play of ambiguity—verbal as well as visual—conveys a sense of mobility and fluidity, which prevail in both stories. The ambiguity of language manifests in Jones’s vacillation between the literal and the metaphorical. Howl’s castle, which constantly changes its shape, becomes an embodiment of the shifting nature of Jones’s language. The moving and floating castle in the two novels visually displays the idea of mobility and fluidity. The castle not only parallels the major characters’ transformation, but it also reflects the double nature of language. Hayao Miyazaki’s Anime adaptation of Howl’s Moving Castle goes one step further, turning the conceptual transformation of the castle into a physical transformation (or metamorphosis). This presents a grotesque aspect of the castle and the major characters. Furthermore, the mobility and fluidity mirror the reality, showing a postmodern spirit in word and image. In this thesis, I offer a critical assessment of Jones’s multiple presentations of mobility and fluidity. My analysis of the two modern fairy tales will focus on Jones’s use of language, the image of Howl’s castle, and the characters’ correspondence to the features of the castle. My analysis is based on Vladimir Propp’s fairy tale structure and Tzvetan Todorov’s theory of language. Chapter One focuses on Jones’s deviation from traditional fairy tale and Jones’s play of language. Chapter Two concerns a castle in real life and fairytale tradition: its original function, its exterior, and its symbolic meaning. I will explain how Jones manipulates such traditional presentation of a castle. Chapter Three deals with Miyazaki’s Anime adaptation, focusing on the grotesque nature of the moving castle and its correspondence with the protagonists. The final chapter concludes that postmodern fluidity is presented in different degrees from Jones’s novels to Miyazaki’s adaptation. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 英國語文學研究所 99551002 101 |
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