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    Title: Korean Economy and Chaebol’s Transformation : Samsung Global Strategies and the Future Prospect with Economic Democratization
    Korean Economy and Chaebol’s Transformation : Samsung Global Strategies and the Future Prospect with Economic Democratization
    Authors: 吳藝鎮
    Contributors: 李明
    Keywords: chaebol
    Korean economy
    economic democratization
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2013-07-23 14:04:57 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: In this thesis, the author will scrutinize the chaebol in Korean economy. Since their emergence, their existence has straddled between amity and antagonism. Even if they contributed to Korean economy, they still remain the criticism targets from people. Hence, this research is for investigating the reason and will seek for the better prospect. While I am researching, I tried to keep moderation perspective. Therefore, the author deals with Korean conglomerate’s strong points as well as the criticism points. In this process, research’s basis is on the case study with Samsung and also literature analysis. The propose of research is to reject the polarization perspective in order to avoid harmful consequences and to acknowledge chaebol’s efforts such as global strategies. Moreover, this research will not stretch the meaning of economic democratization and will approach from the co-existence perspective.
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