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Title: | 我國租稅優惠對產業稅負及權益報酬之影響 The effect of tax incentives on pretax return on equity and tax burden of industries |
Authors: | 林欣慧 Lin, Hsin Hui |
Contributors: | 陳明進 Chen, Ming Chin 林欣慧 Lin, Hsin Hui |
Keywords: | 租稅優惠 促進產業發展 有效稅率 隱含稅 Tax incentives Upgrading industries Effective tax rates Implicit taxes |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2013-07-22 10:19:49 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究以實證方式探討我國經濟發展各階段,政府為發展特定產業所制定之各項租稅優惠,對於該產業租稅負擔之影響;為正確評估租稅獎勵之整體效果,本研究除以有效稅率作為衡量企業租稅負擔之標準外,更進一步以隱含稅理論之觀點,透過股東權益稅前報酬率之高低,檢視租稅優惠之施行是否將使企業所負擔之隱含稅負上升。 本研究以我國上市及上櫃公司作為研究樣本,針對獎勵投資條例、促進產業升級條例與生技新藥產業發展條例適用期間分別選取不同產業及研究期間進行比較分析。整體而言,有效稅率之高低與租稅獎勵期間是否屆滿無顯著之相關性,可能是受到其他未納入因素之影響(如總體經濟與其他租稅優惠條例),導致租稅獎勵期間之效果不易顯現。關於股東權益稅前報酬率之實證結果則多與預期相符,支持隱含稅負存在之實證證據。 This study uses the empirical method to examine the impact of the tax incentives on certain industry during multistage of economic development in Taiwan. In order to assess the overall effect of the tax incentives correctly, we not only uses the effective tax rate as a measurement, but also adopts the implicit tax theory by using the pretax return on equity to examine whether applying the tax incentives makes the profit-seeking enterprises’ burden of implicit taxes going up. This study uses the financial statements of those companies listed on TSE and OTC in Taiwan and respectively collects data from various industries and from different research periods according to the implementation periods of Statute for the Encouragement of Investment, Statute for Upgrading Industry and Biotech and New Pharmaceutical Development Act. In our finding, the result suggests that the implementation periods of the tax incentives have no significant relationships with the effective tax rates, and may be affected by other factors that are not included in this study, such as macroeconomics or other tax incentives. As for the pretax return on equity, it expectedly supports the existence of implicit taxes. |
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