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    Title: 顧客滿意度─以智慧型手機使用者為研究
    Customer Satisfaction- The Case Study of Smartphone Users
    Authors: 李婉如
    Li, Wan Ju
    Contributors: 吳文傑
    Wu, Jack
    Li, Wan Ju
    Keywords: 顧客滿意度
    Customer Satisfaction
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2013-07-11 17:14:42 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: Today, smartphone has defined as an important tool in our daily lives; the market has been growing every year and the future global smartphone shipment is predicted to be nearly 1 billion in 2015. The function of smartphone is no longer limited to make calls to friends and family only, but also productivities, entertainments and multimedia functions (e.g. music, ringtones, games, web browsing, text messages and camera) provided by smartphone itself.
    With the increasing competitions in the smartphone market, smartphone companies find it difficult to retain the existing customers and increase the market share. In that context, the objective of this research explanatory study aims to identify the main factors that determine the customer satisfaction of smartphone users.
    The study survey was completed by 285 smartphone users who helped evaluating their smartphone satisfaction; the data was analyzed by IBM SPSS Statistics 20 and the results revealed the main findings are (1) image has high correlations with customer expectation, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty; (2) customer expectation has high correlations with perceive quality, perceived value and customer satisfaction; (3) perceived quality has high correlations with perceived value and customer satisfaction; (4) perceived value has a high correlation with customer satisfaction; (5) Customer satisfaction has a high correlation with customer loyalty; (6) the proposed model TCSI is proven with the effectiveness in explaining the relationships among image, customer expectation, perceived quality, perceived value, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty for smartphone users. The conclusion of this study provides valuable information for smartphone producers, especially Taiwanese brand HTC, to develop the smartphones meet with customers’ expectations and satisfactions.
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