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    Title: 併購對企業資源發展影響之研究
    The impacts of M&A on the configurations of business recourses
    Authors: 張肇均
    Chang, Chao Chun
    Contributors: 邱奕嘉
    Chiu, Yi Chia
    Chang, Chao Chun
    Keywords: 併購
    Resource-Based Theory
    Core Competence
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2013-07-11 17:14:08 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在追求企業價值最大化的目標下,「併購」活動遂成為企業向外探尋成長機會的最佳途徑之一。過去的學術研究,對於併購活動的成效往往著重於財務上的探討,卻很少藉由討論資源發展之變化來暸解企業併購的成效。然而企業資源發展在學術上日益被重視,近二十年來國內外的學者相繼投入在「資源基礎」的相關理論,認為企業資源所帶來的獨特競爭能耐可能相較於市場的變化更能解釋企業的獲利能力。本研究對於併購與資源變化對於企業價值的影響之議題深感興趣,期望能藉由個案分析的方式,研究「併購」活動產生的資源變化,以探討企業「併購」的成效。
    To pursue the maximum value of enterprise, “M&A” becomes one of the best ways to explore opportunity of growth outside the enterprise. In the past, most academic reports focus the financial effects of M&A activities, but few discuss the M&A synergy from the aspect of resource configuration. However, enterprise resource configuration is getting important in contemporary academic field, and more and more scholars have devoted to the development of “resource based theory” for past 20 years. They believe that it is more appropriate to explain the profitability of enterprise based on the unique core competence formed by resources than on the market impact.
    In this study, we are interested in the impact of M&A on the configuration of resources to the enterprise value, and also expect to study the M&A synergy by analyzing the resource configuration. We adopt HSBC Bank as our subject, and by 2 time M&A experiences of HSBC Bank in Taiwan, we are able to analyze how HSBC Bank get necessary resources through M&A to establish and strengthen the competitive advantages, and in the meantime, also try to explore our study to M&A of financial institutions to provide a possible way of M&A and suggestion in the future.
    Through “resource based theory” to analyze those M&A cases of HSBC Bank, we can understand that when enterprises adopt M&A as a way of enhancing the core competence, abundant M&A experience and timing would significantly lower the M&A cost, and that the M&A performance depends on the planning of M&A strategy before transaction and post-merger integration. Distinctive resources are the source of M&A synergy whilst in-distinctive resources may have negative impact for M&A performance if those conflicts existing resources.
    中文摘要 I
    謝誌 III
    目次 IV
    表目錄 V
    圖目錄 VI
    第壹章 緒論 1
    第一節 研究背景與動機 1
    第二節 研究問題 2
    第三節 研究目的 3
    第四節 研究流程 3
    第貳章 文獻探討 5
    第一節 資源基礎理論回顧 5
    第二節 併購理論 11
    第三節 金融併購動機與歷程 15
    第四節 小結 16
    第參章 研究方法 17
    第一節 研究方法 17
    第二節 研究架構 18
    第三節 研究設計 18
    第四節 研究限制 21
    第肆章 產業概況 22
    第一節 台灣金融產業現況 22
    第二節 主要外資銀行在台併購之策略 29
    第三節 小結 30
    第伍章 併購過程與分析 31
    第一節 滙豐銀行之競爭策略與資源之關係 31
    第二節 併購個案與資源變化 37
    第三節 小結 47
    第陸章 結論與建議 50
    第一節 研究結論 50
    第二節 研究建議 53
    參考文獻 56
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