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Title: | 泰、韓、台三國醫療觀光服務產業發展之比較研究 The Comparison Study of the Developement of Medical Tourism Industry in Thailand, Korea, and Taiwan |
Authors: | 葉慈薇 Yeh, Tzu Wei |
Contributors: | 蔡孟佳 Tsai, Meng Chia 葉慈薇 Yeh, Tzu Wei |
Keywords: | 醫療觀光 醫療服務 觀光服務 medical tourism medical service tourism |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2013-07-11 16:14:48 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 我國行政院經建會自2007年正式開始施行「醫療服務國際化旗艦計畫」,投入大筆資金發展觀光醫療,希望將台灣打造成醫療服務首選,吸引海外觀光客來台灣就醫,希望達到「讓顧客走進來、醫療走出去」的目的。除此之外,政府更希望藉由推動國際醫療服務,增加外籍來台人士來台就醫人數,同時結合旅遊觀光,刺激台灣觀光、飯店、及美食等相關消費,促進我國經濟成長。此計畫截至目前已施行7年,成效究竟如何,為本研究所關注的核心議題;而醫療觀光產業之發展甚賴國家政府扶持,且過往研究此議題之論文大多從經濟、產業層面切入觀察,因此本文將從政府法規政策層面切入研究,先介紹及比較泰國、韓國、台灣三國政府之國際醫療推廣政策;再個案研究三國之醫院發展醫療觀光之情況,了解三國政策對其國家醫院之影響;從而觀察我國可學習之處,最後提出建議,供我國政府參考。 Taiwan government started to promote medical tourism since 2007, wanted to make Taiwan the primary choice for foreign patients and thus benefited both medical and tourism industries, raising Taiwan GDP and decreasing unemployment rate. This project has been acted for 7 years and it’s time for examine its performance; because medical tourism deeply depends on government support, this study is going to examine through the regulation aspect, rather than the economic or industry aspects. This study would first introduce the factors contributing to medical tourism industry; then compare both government medical tourism promoting policies and their influences to the industry of Thailand, Korea and Taiwan; in the end, give suggestions to the government and industry of Taiwan. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國際經營與貿易研究所 100351046 101 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0100351046 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [國際經營與貿易學系 ] 學位論文
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