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    Title: 自尊威脅與遠端防衛對女性大學生節制飲食意圖的影響
    Effect of Threaten Self-esteem and Distal Defense on Intention of Restraint Eating Among University Girls
    Authors: 蘇益賢
    Su, Yi Hsien
    Contributors: 許文耀
    Hsu, Wen Yau
    Su, Yi Hsien
    Keywords: 恐懼管理理論
    terror management theory (TMT)
    terror management health model (TMHM)
    rigid restraint eating
    traditional-modern bicultural self
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2013-07-01 17:32:21 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 恐懼管理理論(terror management theory, TMT; Greenberg, Pyszczynski, & Solomon, 1986)是目前文獻中,探討「人類行為如何受死亡威脅影響」中較為系統的一個架構,其初步將死亡威脅影響之歷程分為意識與意識邊陲歷程,而其各自會引發近端與遠端防衛行為來作為因應。本研究以TMT為基礎,推論自尊威脅會促發個人意識邊陲中死亡想法的激發,女大生會增加嚴格節制飲食意圖,使自己符合文化世界觀價值、恢復自尊,用以作為遠端防衛因應。此過程中,遠端防衛機制(外表自評)預期會調節自尊威脅與遠端防衛間的效果。同時,若當代華人已具備傳統/現代雙文化自我(Lu & Yang, 2006),研究預期個人與關係取向的自尊威脅操弄,應都能造成上述效果。研究以網路招募273位女大生,將其隨機分派至個人、關係取向自尊威脅組與控制組進行自尊威脅操弄後,針對死亡相關字數(意識邊陲死亡想法可得性指標)與嚴格節制飲食意圖(遠端防衛指標)進行測量。結果發現:(1)個人取向自尊威脅之操弄較成功;關係取向自尊威脅效果則受到未考量因素影響而較不一致;(2)研究中採用的DTA指標(死亡相關字數)與遠端防衛行為(嚴格節制飲食意圖)無顯著關聯;(3)個人取向自尊威脅後,受威脅的組別會增高嚴格節制飲食意圖,即便控制住BMI、健康自評之後亦然;外表自評不具調節效果。最後,針對研究不符TMT預期的結果,文末將以華人自尊研究、恐懼管理理論、節制飲食意圖、研究限制等角度進行討論。
    Terror management theory (TMT; Greenberg, Pyszczynski, & Solomon, 1986) is the most systematic framework for investigating how death-related threat affects human behavior in current literature. It states that death threat process can be differentiated between consciousness and subconsciousness, and human will use proximal and distal defense as coping respectively. Based on TMT, research hypothesizes that self-esteem threat can provoke death-related thoughts in subconsciousness process. For college girls, they will increase intention of rigid restraint eating as distal defense, for the purpose of fitting the cultural worldview (thin is beautiful) and end up regain their self-esteem. During this process, distal-defense mechanism (self-evaluation of physical-appearance) is expected to moderate the effect between self-esteem threat and distal defense. Also, for Taiwanese who have the “tradition-modern bicultural self (Lu & Yang, 2006)”, research predicts the same effect by using individual and relational-oriented self-esteem threat. 273 subjects are recruited through the internet and random assigned to individual, relational-oriented self-esteem threat group, and control group. After manipulation of self-esteem threat, we measure the number of death-related words (as death-thought accessibility, DTA), and intention of rigid restraining eating (as distal defense). Result shows that, (1) the manipulation of individual-oriented self-esteem is successful, but relational-oriented self-esteem is not due to uncompleted consideration; (2) the correlation between DTA and distal defense behavior is not significant; (3) after the manipulation of individual-oriented self-esteem threat, the subjects who experienced self-esteem threat increased their intention of rigid restraining eating, even if we control their BMI and self-evaluation of health; the expected moderated effect of self-evaluation of physical-appearance does not exist. Finally, to explain unexpected results, we making some inference from the perspective of (1) current indigenous research of self-esteem, (2) TMT research, (3) intention of rigid restraining eating, and (4) research limitation.
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