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    Title: 家族企業發展: 以三構面發展模型分析
    Development of family businesses: an analysis based on the Three-Dimensional Developmental Model
    Authors: 何麗佳
    Ho Tseng, Erika Susy
    Contributors: 譚丹琪
    Ho Tseng, Erika Susy
    Keywords: family businesses
    challenges of family businesses
    family business development 
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2013-07-01 17:25:59 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: Representing four-fifths of businesses worldwide, family businesses are a prevailing form of business organizations. Their importance has brought on several studies concerning their development and behavior. Drawing on Gersick et al’s three-dimensional developmental model, this study examines the development of a Taiwanese family firm. Gersick et al’s three-dimensional developmental model develops a typology based on the dimensions of ownership, family and business. Through one-on-one in-depth interview of a Taiwanese textile manufacturer, this study finds that the founder’s character is an important factor that triggers challenges that family firms must face. With this unique factor, it is found that the family firm has employed an informal communication mechanism through close family members acting as third party liaisons to minimize communication conflict. Furthermore, through the application of quality management certifications, the firm has formalized organizational procedures and policies. Close affiliation with government aided institutions allows the firm to offer a comprehensive training program to attract and develop new talent. All these serve as future guidelines for family firms to overcome challenges in their developmental process.
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