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Title: | 學術型文化創意產業育成中心成效之研究 The Research of Cultural and Creative Industries` Incubators |
Authors: | 李孟蓁 |
Contributors: | 彭立忠 李孟蓁 |
Keywords: | 文化創意產業 育成中心 創業 cultural and creative industries incubation center entrepreneur |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2013-07-01 17:23:47 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在傳統製造業衰退、創意經濟崛起的時代,文化創意產業能以較少的人力創造極高的產值,為振興國民經濟的一大良方,因此世界各國競相投入推動文創發展。在我國推動文化創意產業的發展政策中,研究者關心藝文產業創新育成中心對文創產業的幫助成效。由於學術型文創育成中心的既有研究文獻較少,因此本文欲從事學術型文創育成的探索性研究,選取國立台北藝術大學的北藝風創新育成中心和台灣藝術大學的台藝大藝文產業創新育成中心為個案比較,透過訪談法,向該兩所育成中心執行長和若干進駐廠商多次請益。 研究結果發現這兩所學術型文創育成中心提供低廉租金和免費顧問諮詢服務,幫助進駐廠商降低創業風險,從小額資本創業到能夠穩定營運發展,確實能夠增進青年就業。然而,兩所文創育成中心在營運過程中最大的盲點為進駐廠商大多不願接受外界投資,育成中心也體恤廠商營運困難而不收取回饋金,造成育成中心資金短缺、人事不穩定,對此現象本研究建議育成中心須在創作者和創業者兩種角色衝突上採取更為細膩的作為,才能幫助產生成功創投案例。再者,這兩所育成中心雖然績效良好,但仍面臨一些營運困境,例如:北藝風地理位置偏遠導致進駐空間使用率低,本研究建議政府可開發市區閒置空間作為文創專區;台藝大藝文育成則是地理位置偏僻和社區互動不佳、行政支援不足、產學合作少、技術交流僅限某一業種,本研究建議政府宜放寬國有地使用限制,讓學校能做更好的投入、聘請專業的藝術行政人員、多鼓勵學生到園區實習、聘請不同業種的業師交流。 Every country sets many policies to support cultural and creative industries. According to Taiwan’s policies , government offer subsidies to support some universities founding incubator for entrepreneurs of cultural and creative industries. The purposes of this study are : to know whether the cultural and creative industries’ incubators can help increase youth employment? How do these incubators run? What results of these incubators? Research subjects include KD Art Culture Industry Innovation Incubation Center(KDarts) of Taipei National University of Arts(TNUA), Arts and Cultural Industry Innovation Incubation Center of Nation Taiwan University of Arts(NTUA). In-depth interviews is used for data collection. Research findings and suggestions are: both incubators provide low-rent and free consultative services to help entrepreneurs succeed, and also do a favor for youth employment. However, there is a contradiction that most entrepreneurs in these two incubators don’t want to accept extra investment. Under this circumstance, the suggestion is to be more careful while dealing with the role confliction between creative workers and entrepreneurs. Furthermore, this two incubators perform well, but still face some operational difficulties. KDarts has the geographical problem ,the suggestion is that government can offer empty urban spaces to KDarts. And the problems of NTUA’s incubator are : poor interaction with community due to geographical problem, lack of administrative support, less school-to-work program, and technical exchange program only for certain entrepreneurs. This study suggests : to relax the limitation of folkland for NTUA running it in a better way, to hire more professional consultants of arts administration, to encourage more students to take part in the school-to-work program, and to hold the technical exchange program for all kinds of entrepreneurs. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國家發展研究所 98261013 101 |
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