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Title: | 印度奧修「動態靜心」身心體驗:從《薄伽梵歌》的莫克夏到個人靈性的成長 The Body and Mind Experience Based on Osho Dynamic Meditations:From Moksha Depicted in “Bhagavad Gita “to the Personal Spiritual Growth |
Authors: | 黃淑玲 Huang, Shu Ling |
Contributors: | 蔡怡佳 黃柏棋 Tsai, Yi Jia Huang, Po Chi 黃淑玲 Huang, Shu Ling |
Keywords: | 《薄伽梵歌》 莫克夏 奧修 動態靜心 禁語閉關 Bhagavad Gita moksha Osho dynamic meditation silent retreat |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2013-07-01 16:52:55 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本論文以印度奧修大師( Osho Rajneesh )針對現代人生活方式所設計的「動態靜心」修練為對象,探討現代人實踐莫克夏( moksha )身心體驗之成效性與可行性。本文從印度經典《薄伽梵歌》來討論莫克夏的概念,試圖歸納出達到莫克夏的歷程,並指出莫克夏背後的印度解脫思想。本研究並以親身體驗的方式探討奧修動態靜心是否有助於體驗《薄伽梵歌》中所描述之moksha。
筆者獨自前往印度進行為期七日之「動態靜心禁語閉關」,並藉由自我民族誌研究法( auto-ethnography )呈現筆者意識轉化的歷程及莫克夏之身心體驗對於日常生活的轉變與影響。筆者透過自身的參與,來企圖了解自我意識於該活動之中的變化,討論靜心活動中所體驗到的身心轉化經驗,以及回歸日常生活之後的影響。 This research probes into the effectiveness and feasibility of experiencing “moksha” through practicing the “Dynamic Meditations” originally designed by Osho Rajneesh. Through the exploration of “Bhagavad Gita”, one is able to understand the process of realizing moksha and the viewpoints of the ancient Indian wisdom of liberation. A self-experience approach is used in this study to better understand whether the dynamic meditations help to experience moksha depicted in “Bhagavad Gita” .
This research uses auto-ethnography to explore the process of the transformation of my consciousness through a seven-day silent dynamic meditation retreat in Pune India. I try to understand the changes of my consciousness through my actual participation, analyzing the transformation of the body-mind experiences and the effects on my everyday life. |
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三、 參考網站
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聖薄伽梵譚瓦協會 |
Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 宗教研究所 96156008 101 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0096156008 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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