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Title: | 心理助人工作者的同理失常量表編製與替代性創傷之相關研究 The Development of Empathic Strain Scale for Psychological Helpers and Its Relationships with Vicarious Traumatization |
Authors: | 蔡依玲 Tsai, Yi Ling |
Contributors: | 陳婉真 Chen, Wan Chen 蔡依玲 Tsai, Yi Ling |
Keywords: | 心理助人工作者 同理失常 替代性創傷 psychological helpers empathic strain vicarious traumatization |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2013-07-01 14:06:28 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在建立衡量同理失常之量化工具,以瞭解心理助人工作者同理失常與替代性創傷之概況,同時亦探討心理助人工作者的同理失常及替代性創傷之關係,並探究不同背景變項的心理助人工作者,在同理失常及替代性創傷之差異情形。
本研究結果發現如下: 一、自編之「同理失常量表」經正式施測後,量表間的同質性佳,累積解釋變異量達57.68%,並有不錯的效標關聯效度;總量表的內部一致性α為.901。綜論之,本量表信效度皆表現良好,為一頗佳的測量工具,能適切的測量出心理助人工作者的同理失常程度。 二、心理助人工作者在同理失常、替代性創傷傾向上呈現中低程度。 三、心理助人工作者的同理失常與替代性創傷具有高度相關。 四、不同性別、接案時數、受督情形之心理助人工作者,在同理失常量表、替代性創傷傾向量表的得分上無顯著差異。 五、不同工作性質、工作年資之心理助人工作者,在同理失常量表、替代性創傷傾向量表的得分上有顯著差異存在。
整體而言,本研究的貢獻乃發展同理失常量表,進而協助心理助人工作者能對同理失常作自我覺察及有效地因應。根據研究結果,提出相關討論及具體建議,供心理諮商與輔導實務、教育養成與未來相關研究做為參考。 The main purpose of this study was to develop a quantitative measure to assess empathic strain, to understand the situation of empathic strain and vicarious traumatization, and to investigate the relationships between empathic strain and vicarious traumatization of psychological helpers. Moreover, the study was to discuss the two variables of different background.
The study adopted a method of questionnaire survey, and the instruments used in this study were “Empathic Strain Scale” and “Vicarious Traumatization Scale”. The study used the purposive sampling to get the questionnaires, and the population was 239 psychological helpers in Taiwan. The study was analyzed by exploratory factor analysis, descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson product-moment correlation.
The main findings of this study were as follows: 1. The analysis results exhibited that the “Empathic Strain Scale” was internal consistency, good construct validity and criterion-related validity. It also showed the good reliability, the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of the total scales was .901. In short, the scale was a quite good measurement. 2. The levels of empathic strain and vicarious traumatization were lower middle. 3. The relationships between empathic strain and vicarious traumatization of psychological helpers was highly relevant. 4. The gender, service hours and counseling supervision of psychological helpers showed no significant difference in empathic strain and vicarious traumatization. 5. The different job categories and years of experience of psychological helpers showed significant difference in empathic strain and vicarious traumatization.
Overall, the contribution of this study is to develop the“Empathic Strain Scale”, and thus assist the psychological helpers to enhance their self-awareness and effective coping. According to the findings, the discussion and specific recommendations were for psychological counseling practice, counseling education, and future related research. |
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