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    Title: 比較「智慧型手機主導之行動網路購物」與「電腦網路購物」兩者之相對屬性與重要性
    Relative attribute importance of smartphone driven mobile commerce compared to computer based electronic commerce
    Authors: 柯思維
    Servio Fernando Kloeth
    Contributors: 郭貞

    Kuo, Cheng
    Kuo, Cheng

    Servio Fernando Kloeth
    Keywords: 手機網路交易
    mobile commerce
    electronic commerce
    online shopping
    technology acceptance model
    channel value
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2013-06-03 18:03:34 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 現今智慧型手機之網路通路價值與電腦相比仍較低,也使得現今使用智慧型手機網路交易的比例仍低於使用電腦網路交易的比例。本研究採用付出為結構模型及恆等性分析,研究結果顯示,智慧型手機因其有用性及易用性較電腦低,因此使用者以手機網路交易的傾向也偏低。本研究以科技接受模型發現70%至80%的使用者都是因受社會及同儕影響,而較不傾向使用手機進行網路交易。一般認為,手機的便利性相對也使手機網路交易平台的風險提高。然而,研究結果顯示,以電腦從事網路交易的風險與手機網路交易的風險相當,便利性也幾無差異。因此本研究以社會影響為探討方向,認為其為影響現代人以手機從事網路交易的重要關鍵。
    The net channel value of smartphone driven mobile-commerce measured against the alternative of computer based electronic-commerce is at this point in time still low. In an exploratory effort structural modeling and invariance analysis reveals mobile commerce is viewed with a less positive usability disposition in the light of usefulness and effortlessness. An adaptation of the Technology Acceptance model accounting for 70-80% of usage intention indicates social influences experienced from peers to engage the mobile platform is lower. Convenience and perceived risk are usually considered attributes relatively important for the m-commerce platform. However, the analysis reveals little difference of these attributes` salience compared with e-commerce, absolute scores for convenience are similar, and perceived risk seems to have marginal effects on usage in general. Social influences, experienced as lower for mobile commerce is a especially salient concept in determining usability disposition and ultimately intention to use mobile commerce, as is the salience of the usability disposition larger for mobile commerce than for electronic commerce.
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