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    Title: 「空」與「解脫」- 印順中觀思想研究
    Emptiness and liberation – A philosophical investigation of Yinshun’s Madhyamika thought
    Authors: 莊朋
    Pawel Zygadlo
    Contributors: 林鎮國
    Chen-kuo Lin
    Pawel Zygadlo
    Keywords: 印順

    Contemporary Chinese Buddhism
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2013-06-03 17:43:08 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文旨在研究當代中國佛教泰斗,印順法師 (1906-2005)的中觀思想。本論文就特別將焦點放於印順法師中觀思想的主要內容、其來源以及對漢傳佛教復興和佛教理想之實現所發揮的作用上。換句話說,本論文意圖回答研究印順思想或更寬闊而言,當代漢地佛教的學者所面對的問題:甚麼意義上,原本受到漢傳佛教教育並過著傳統漢傳佛教出家人生活的印順法師,反對此長時間以來否認《阿含經》之價值,忽略初期大乘本意而弘揚「法界圓覺」的傳統,而且自己提倡回歸中觀與《阿含經》的本意?換言之:他在甚麼意義上將追溯佛陀本懷看成佛教在現代世界中恢復其合法性的主要方法?

    The Dissertation is principally a study of exposition of Madhyamika Philosophy by the contemporary Chinese Monk-Scholar Yinshun (1906-2005). In my thesis I will argue that the notion of “dependent origination and lack of self-nature of all dharmas”, in other words the doctrine of “Universal Emptiness of all dharmas” (緣起性空) is a main theme of Yinshun’s thought. I will try to present, that driven by the concern about the future of the religion he deeply believed, Yinshun through his investigation of Buddhist doctrines tried to re-establish the Buddhism that on the one hand could face the challenge of the modern world, and would be able to response the human’s need for salvation, on another. I will try to present how the method he applied was different from the one of traditional Chinese Buddhism, and so were the result. Yinshun then using the method of historical and doctrinal investigation emphasized the continuity between Early Buddhist Canon, preserved as Chinese Āgama and Pali Nikāyas, and early Mahāyāna as preserved in Prajñāpāramitā literature and Nāgārjuna’s Mūlamadhyamakakārikā. Doing so, and at the same time criticizing Tathāgatagarbha doctrine Yinshun went against the mainstream Chinese Buddhism, and as such had to face harsh critic and numerous accusations from the more traditionally oriented Buddhists. But as I will try to argue, no matter how different was the method that Yinshun applied, how much different were his ideas from the ones of traditional Chinese Buddhism, and how harsh accusation risen by his opponents were, Yinshun’s motivation and goal were of strictly religious nature. And even though Yinshun, due to his scientific attitude and method was often seen by his contemporaries more as a “scholar” and less than a “monk”, Yinshun is a classical example of Tillich’s “Religion as the Ultimate Concern”. In my thesis then I will try to show, that according to Yinshun the central idea of Buddhism is “dependent origination and lack of self-nature of all dharmas”, the doctrine of “Universal Emptiness of all dharmas” (緣起性空). And even other doctrines might be useful, and sometime necessary for realization of the Path, only full apprehension of the doctrine of “Universal Emptiness of all dharmas” (緣起性空) is the ultimate way to the Liberation. In short, what Yinshun tried to do, and what I will attempt to present in my thesis, was to establish, or rather re-establish the right relation between the critical investigation and intellectual cognition, on the one hand and the realization of the Buddhist soteriological goal - Nirvāṇa, on another .


    Yinshun, Madhyamika, Contemporary Chinese Buddhism, Āgamas, Nirvāṇa
    Reference: (一) 經典文獻:


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