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Title: | 教師回饋對新竹縣國小六年級學童英文句型寫作影響之研究 An investigation into the effects of teacher feedback on English sentence writing of grade six elementary school students in Hsin Chu county |
Authors: | 許淑芬 Hsu, Shu Fen |
Contributors: | 許炳煌 Sheu, Ping Huang 許淑芬 Hsu, Shu Fen |
Keywords: | 句型寫作 Sentence Writing |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2013-06-03 17:23:18 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究在探討兩種不同教師回饋對新竹縣國小六年級學童英文句型寫作之影響以及此兩種回饋對學生英語學習態度與動機的影響。此研究以來自新竹縣某國小六年級兩個班級學生為研究對象,此二班級隨機指派為實驗組及控制組。實驗組實施習作批改時的間接回饋而對照組則實施傳統直接回饋,每週均批改一次習作。經過14週的回饋後,兩組皆進行英文句型寫作測驗並施以英語學習態度與動機問卷;3週後再進行英文句型寫作延宕測驗。研究結果顯示,學生受過教師的間接回饋批改後在英文句型寫作之正確率上有顯著進步,此顯著進步也表現在延宕測驗中的介系詞題型;但其對訂正習作上錯誤則表現顯著焦慮。希望本研究能為英語老師在教學實務上提供助益。 The present study mainly aimed at investigating the effects of two different types of teacher feedback on English sentence writing accuracy. Meanwhile this paper also aimed at examining learners’ attitudes of the two different types of teacher feedback, and the changes of learners’ attitudes and motivation towards English learning after the implementation of different teacher feedbacks. Two sixth-grade classes in Hsin Chu County were randomly assigned to be the experimental group and the control group. The experimental group received indirect feedback (IDF) on their workbook while the control group received traditional direct feedback (DF) once a week. After the 14-week treatment, an English writing proficiency test and an English learning attitudes and motivation questionnaire were administrated to examine learners’ sentence writing accuracy and their learning attitudes and motivations respectively. Finally, a retention test was conducted in 3 weeks later to know the retention effect of two types of teacher feedback. The findings showed that the IDF had helped students gained significant progress on sentence writing accuracy. Moreover, the significant improvement was also presented on the aspect of preposition in the retention test. However, the IDF group expressed significant anxiety towards correcting errors on workbooks after the treatment of IDF. Hopefully, the findings of the present study may provide English teachers with some useful pedagogical implications. |
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