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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/57969

    Title: 集合住宅管理維護績效之研究:集體行動、管理模式、使用衝突之影響探討
    Performance Evaluation of Property Management Services for Condominiums: A Research of Collective Action, Management Modes, and Usage Conflicts
    Authors: 朱芳妮
    Chu, Fang Ni
    Contributors: 張金鶚
    Chang, Chin oh
    Chu, Fang Ni
    Keywords: 集合住宅管理維護模式
    Condominium management modes
    principal-agent theory
    corporate governance
    collective action
    public goods
    usage conflicts
    indicators of management performance
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2013-05-01 11:51:12 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 集合住宅社區共同使用部份屬於住戶分別共有的「共有資產」,具有類似公共財的特性,可能會因為相關使用衝突課題,或集體行動困境,而減損多數願意配合社區事務的住戶之使用效益。此外,代理問題可能衍生自管理委員會所建立的管理模式,其影響程度可能因決策控制權及管理權不同程度的委外而有異。
    Common property belonging to all owners of a condominium may cause usage conflicts or collective action dilemmas, due to the characteristic of quasi-public goods diminishing most residents` utility or benefits. Besides, agency problems derived from different management modes established by management committees may have unfavorable influence on management performance to some extent ccording to the delegation degree of decision control and management.

    Therefore, the main topics of this dissertation are as follows: First, analyzing and cectifying the collective action dilemmas through the self-organized CPR regimes;
    Secondly, redefining condominium management modes through delegation or outsourcing degrees of decision control according to agency theory and corporate governance framework and analyzing the effects of these modes on management performance; Thirdly, discovering the relationship between usage conflicts derived from the features of housing mix and usage mix and management performance of condominiums. Data collected from a postal questionnaire survey in Taipei city was used in several empirical analyses based on the main topics. Clarify the potential problems of condominium management and proposing appropriate management modes and approaches according to various features of condominiums are expected to be both academic and practical contributions.
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    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095257502
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