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Title: | 金融服務業因應氣候變遷之研究 The investigation on responding activities to climate change of financial industry |
Authors: | 劉乃綾 Liu, Nai Ling |
Contributors: | 黃正忠 劉乃綾 Liu, Nai Ling |
Keywords: | 金融服務業 氣候變遷 社會責任投資 氣候倡議 滙豐銀行 澳盛銀行 financial industry climate change socially responsible investiment climate initiatives HSBC ANZ |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2013-05-01 11:37:45 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 溫室氣體所造成的全球氣候變遷問題影響層面日益擴大,能源、塑化、水泥、金屬業等屬於排放密集與高耗能之產業首當其衝,而國際相關法令的興起,以及我國相關政府機關近年來對於特定工業部門進行輔導與規範,使得這些產業對於溫室氣體減量並不陌生。金融服務業雖自詡為無煙囪產業,對環境的衝擊一開始被人們所忽略,直至近幾年來,許多國際性銀行開始打破舊有觀念,願意承認在對抗全球氣候變遷的過程中應扮演關鍵角色之一,做出因應氣候變遷的策略以及營運模式上的改變,而台灣金融業者相較之下對於溫室氣體減量的認知與作為較為不足。 本研究採用文獻回顧法、個案研究法和專家訪談法,個案研究先從2009~2011年的DJSI道瓊永續指數、CDP的CPLI指數、Global 100等三個受全球公認永續發展指數的指標下,找出全球標竿銀行—也就是近三年內在三個指數中重覆入選三次,且為台灣人熟悉的HSBC滙豐銀行及ANZ澳盛銀行做為個案研究參考典範,發現銀行業可採取因應全球暖化的有許多措施,包括內部管理、放貸政策及氣候相關衍生性金融商品三大構面,再細分為內部管理之公司治理、公司策略、溫室氣體管理、資源節約、內外部溝通,放貸政策之氣候變化的風險與機遇、環保借貸,氣候相關衍生性金融商品之開發氣候相關金融商品、因應國際碳排放交易市場等方面。 接著質化訪談台灣本土金融業的中高層主管,發現台灣金融業者除了響應政府的綠色放貸和一些較為簡單執行、可節省成本的行動之外,對於因應氣候變遷相關的政策、前期投資和具體成效看起來是較無法與國際接軌的,探究其根本原因為在台灣的環境下激勵誘因和懲罰性的強制力量皆不足,國際法規、相關政府單位的強制力與全球碳交易的市場力量對於企業執行溫室氣體減量具有指標性作用。 最後,對台灣金融服務業在以下四方面提出建議方向: 領導力:領導高層展現信諾與投入、掃描企業環境以辨識潛在氣候風險和機會、塑造綠色企業文化; 策略:考慮全球、當地法規以及同業自發採行的標準、將永續策略具體融入日常營運、重視長期績效甚於短期; 架構:設置永續經理人可通達高層溝通、整合組織資源培養綠色人力; 制度:納永續考量於資本投資規劃制度、風險管理制度、績效評量與獎酬制度、報告與審查制度來檢視實行成果。 The effect of global climate change caused by greenhouse gases is growing. Energy, plastics, cement and metal industry which belong to the emission intensity and high energy consumption industries are the most discussed industries. The rise of international laws, as well as the relevant government authorities in Taiwan in recent years focus on counseling these specific industries, they are more familiar with greenhouse gas reduction than financial industry. Although financial industry boasted itself as a no chimney industry, the impact on the environment was ignored until recent years, many international banks have begun to admit they should play a key role in the fighting against global climate change. To make changes in response to climate change strategy and business model, in contrast with financial institutions in Taiwan, which are lack of awareness and actions of thinking and doing so. In this study, literature reviews, case studies and expert interviews are three major methods. As for case studies, starting with the 2009 to 2011 DJSI Dow Jones Sustainability Index, CDP`s CPLI Index, Global 100 Index, three indices by the globally recognized indicators of sustainable development identify the global benchmark banks - the three indices repeated selected three times in the last three year, and Taiwanese are familiar with - HSBC and ANZ Bank as a case study, found that the banking sector can adopt many measures in response to global warming, including the internal management of corporate governance and strategy, greenhouse gas management, resource conservation, internal and external communication, the lending policies of the risks and opportunities, the development of climate-related financial products and respond to international carbon emissions trading markets. Then interviews with Taiwanse financial industry`s high-level directors, found that financial institutions in Tawian besides respond to the government green lending policy and some of the simple, cost savings implementation, for other climate change-related policies, upfront investment and the specific effectivenesses are less able to catch up with international standards. To explore the fundamental reasons are the incentives and punitive, coercive power of the environment in Taiwan are less than the force of international laws and regulations, relevant government agencies and the global carbon trading market. They should be the forces for the enterprise to take action on implementation of reducing green house gas emissions. Last, give some suggestions for Taiwan`s financial services industry in the following four aspects: Leadership - the senior leadership needs to show high involvement and input, scanning the business environment to identify potential risks and opportunities, and promote cultural transform; Strategy -- to consider the global and local regulations, as well as the industry voluntarily adopted standards, to consider the influence of social investment on long-term performance rather than short-term, take sustainable thinking into the core strategy and specific actions integrate into the daily operations; Framework -- integrated organizational structure and resource for green human resource development, sustainability managers can be accessible to high-level communications; System - effectively use the system of cost and capital investment planning, risk management system, performance evaluation and reward system, report and review system to examine the implementation of results. |
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