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    政大機構典藏 > 教育學院 > 教育學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/57602
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    Title: 一種青春,兩個世界:跨越教育體制畢業生之質性研究
    One youth, two worlds- a qualitative research from a crossing broader`s perspective, a student studied in a mainstream and an alternative school.
    Authors: 謝雅君
    Hsieh, Ya Chun
    Contributors: 鄭同僚
    Hsieh, Ya Chun
    Keywords: 另類教育
    alternative school
    Holistic school
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2013-04-01 14:41:24 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 另類學校處於升學主義與考試中心的價值洪流中,不時地被添上許多莫須有的帽子,例如「另類學校畢業生沒有競爭力」、「另類學校是貴族學校」、「有問題的學生才需要另類教育」等罪名,這些問題必得由教育的主體─學生來發聲,根據他們的體驗與視角,來摘除上述種種對於另類教育的汙名。此外,為了探究不同體制的學校教育如何影響學生的自我形構,本研究嘗試以敘說研究的方式,來探究一位跨越教育體制畢業生的生命故事,從而瞭解其自我調適的歷程與自我形構的因素。自我形構是一個動態的未完成狀態,人的一生不斷的調整自我內在與外在環境至一個和諧的狀態,因此,外在環境對於自我形構的影響甚鉅,而對學生的自我形構而言,學校教育的環境便是一大重要場域。研究發現,開放自由的教育理念與方式培養學生建立較具正面與積極的自我圖像,而較保守封閉的教育理念與方式會使得學生對於自我圖像失去想像力空間,而創造性變得比較狹隘。藉由兩種教育體制的對照與激盪,不僅碰撞出教育本質之應然所在之處,同時也為另類教育學提供另一種論述基礎。

    Alternative schools are usually misunderstood by people surrounded in the mainstream of credentialism, such as non-competitiveness, exclusive schools only for nobles or problem-maker students. In order to answer these questions raised above, it should be spoken by the narrative of students who had studied in a mainstream school and an alternative school to get rid of rumors. The purpose of the research is to deliberate the process of the self construction of students in different educational system of schools. Self construction is an ongoing process, and people would adjust constantly between inner self and outside environment to achieve a status of harmony. Therefore, school environment is one of the most important places for students. It finds that students grow positive self images easier in open and liberal school environments. On the contrary, students have lower imagination and creativity to their self images in conservative and closed school environments. The research is not only remind people what education is, but also provide a narrative for alternative schools.

    Keywords: alternative school, Holistic school, narrative, self
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