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Title: | 兒少保社工員展現復原力之歷程 The Process of Resilience Development from Child Protective Service Worker |
Authors: | 白立德 |
Contributors: | 宋麗玉 白立德 |
Keywords: | 兒少保護社工員 復原力 |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2013-04-01 14:41:02 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本文目的在於瞭解公部門兒少保護社工員從逆境中發展出復原力的歷程,包含兒少保社工員的工作逆境、保護因子的內涵、以及復原力運作模式之分析。本研究以九位公部門兒少保護社工員為對象,運用深度訪談法蒐集資料,研究結果發現如下: 一、本研究發現兒少保護社工員的工作逆境有三類型,分別為「人身安全議題」、「從事兒少保護工作的心理困境」以及「組織層面的困境」。從事兒少保護工作的心理困境包括:(1)與非自願性案主工作的壓力、(2)案主改變不如社工員預期,所造成的挫敗感、(3)替代性創傷、和(4)高案件量造成的身心壓力;組織層面的困境有:(1)同儕離去的失落、(2)與上級主管工作理念不同,導致工作受到影響或遭上級打壓、和(3)工作遭不當轉換。
五、本研究深入探討公部門兒少保社工員展現復原力之歷程,研究顯示兒少保社工員在具備保護因子的情境中,可以發展出向逆境抗衡的復原力,換言之,挫敗經驗不必然擊倒實務工作者,如何從個體既有的優勢及運用環境資源協助兒少保社工員重新站起來,才是更重要的事。最後,研究者針對兒少保社工員及組織的層面提出相關建議供參。 This study aims to understand the process of resilience development among child protection service (CPS) worker amidst the adversities they encountered. Three points are discussed in the findings including the adversities CPS workers encountered, the content of protective factors, and the operating models of resilience. The investigator in depth interviewed nine CPS workers in the public sectors. The results are as follows: 1. The results indicated that CPS workers may encounter three types of work related adversities: personal safety issues, the psychological difficulties of working as a CPS worker, and difficulties occurred in the organization. The psychological difficulties included: a. the pressure from working with involuntary clients. b. The frustration caused by the fact that the clients did not change as expected. c. Vicarious trauma and d. Psychological and physical pressure due to case overload. On the other hand, organizational difficulties include a. the loss caused by colleague turnovers b. the suppressing of supervisors due to different working perspectives, and c. unreasonably transferred to different job. 2. Two aspects of protective factors emerged in this study, personal and environmental, that facilitate the resilience of CPS workers. Personal protective factors include positive attitude, the ability of self-care, the ability of problem resolving and understanding, hope, practical considerations and spiritual power. Moreover, the environmental factors include family supports, good working environment and atmosphere, sharing and supporting from colleague, buffering mechanism on case handling, reasonable working requirements, on-the-job trainings, realizations of the supervision functions, sharing of power from supervisors, feedbacks from work, the recognitions and assistances from group members, and extended social networks. 3.The process of resilience revealing starts from the “imbalance stage.”CPS workers at this stage may have psychosomatic disorders due to the impacts of some events with high pressure that their balance and peaceful minds are severely disturbed. After entering the “reintegration stage,” CPS workers will readjust their emotions and cognition. Furthermore they will also adopt different strategies to resolve their difficulties. Thus, they can cope better and move to the final stage, “Positive responses stage.” At this stage, CPS workers are able to overcome their difficulties, accept the harms, recognize themselves and be self affirmative once again. 4. The working models of resilience for CPS workers include compensate model, challenge model, and protective factor model. The results also indicate that every CPS worker used more than two kinds of models to facilitate their resilience. The models they adopted are reciprocal, connective or simultaneously operating. 5. This study explored the process of resilience revealing among the CPS workers. The results show that CPS workers can develop the ability of resilience to overcome the adversities with protective factors. In other words, frustration and bad experiences from work do not necessarily defeat social workers. The most important thing is that CPS workers should be able to stand up and pull themselves together once again. Finally, the investigator provides some suggestions concerning CPS workers and the organization in this field. |
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