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    Title: 台灣社會認同意識對於中國媒體在台觀感之影響
    The Influence of Taiwanese Social Identity on Attitudes Toward Mainland Chinese Media
    Authors: 韋齊修
    Nicholas Vaky
    Contributors: 施琮仁
    T. J. Shih
    Nicholas Vaky
    Keywords: 媒體
    Social Identity
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2013-04-01 14:39:46 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 中國大陸和台灣雖然在文化上一脈相承,但是兩地在社會認同上並沒有達成共識。本論文
    影的興趣與注目焦點所在,研究結果發現, 台灣人在運動類型的電影,對於本土產出的
    Taiwan and China, countries whose citizens share a common ancestry, do not share a common
    social-identity. Using “social identity theory” (Tajfel, 1978) as a basis, this study seeks to
    understand how Taiwanese citizens view media from Mainland China in contrast to media from
    their native country. Asking questions about viewing intention and focusing on film’s in the
    romance and sports genres, this study found that sports film’s posters caused Taiwanese
    participant’s to record a significant viewing preference for films from their own social group of
    Taiwan. Findings from the romance genre found no viewing intention preferences but a stronger
    willingness to engage in information seeking behaviors when films were from Taiwan. These
    findings help strengthen social identity theory’s link to media research through showing that ingroups
    prefer their own media to the media of out-groups.
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