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    Title: 以動態能力觀點探討資訊服務業廠商整合創新之個案研究
    Explore the case study of Integration and innovation of IT service companies in dynamic capability perspective
    Authors: 林仁壽
    Lin, Kenny
    Contributors: 吳豐祥
    Wu, Feng Shang
    Lin, Kenny
    Keywords: 動態能力
    dynamic ability
    consolidation and change
    integration innovation
    corporate strategy
    Date: 2010
    Issue Date: 2013-04-01 14:37:22 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 台灣資訊產業的發展,資訊電子硬體產品不僅佔有一席之地,甚至許產品亦名列前茅,令世界刮目相看。但是,反觀資訊服務業則規模相對較小,在國內面臨內需市場有限,對外亦面臨開拓競爭複雜性,因此在瞬息萬變的資訊服務產業環境裡,企業要茁壯生存必須要有因應環境變化的動態能力。





    響 。

    Taiwan IT industry’s development, the information electronic hardware products not only hold a place, and even many products are among the best, make the world`s admiration. However, the information service industry scale is relatively small, faces with the limited domestic demand market, also faces the development competition complexity outward, therefore in the fast changing information service industry environment, enterprises to thrive to survive must have in accordance to environmental variation dynamic ability.

    Dynamic ability is able to enhance the corporate value with the environment, so that it has a lasting competitive advantage of the ability, more efficient and performance than the other manufacturers for integration of external knowledge, development of transformation and innovation, re-use of internal integration to enhance organizational efficiency is the dynamic ability of emphasis key point.

    This research takes our country information service industry big plant transformation course as an example. Investigating the information service companies’ business organization face in today`s changing environment, companies need to speed up the body to adjust their organizational ability, in response to the complex challenges from the environment for an in-depth study.

    From the case studies found that the integration of innovation and change before and after the mutual relations between various dimensions, and thus integration of the entire summary of the following conclusions:

    Conclusion one:

    Rapid changes in information services in a clear corporate strategy and execution with rapid integration and strain organization strength, is the test of business from a dynamic environment of a wining key factor.

    Conclusion two:

    Changes in business restructuring, top mangers attention talented persons and flexible organizational learning ability with information systems ancillary support, holds the key influence to IT companies in competitive power.

    Conclusion three:

    In the future dynamic business environment changes, leaders need to quickly coordinate and integrate mechanisms, the development of multi-national, cross-border, cross-sectoral coordination of operational capacity, to achieve high-flexibility, high performance multi-national corporations.
    第一章 緒論 1
    第一節 研究背景與動機 1
    第二節 研究目的與問題 2
    第三節 研究流程與論文結構 3
    第二章 文獻探討 4
    第一節 資訊服務產業 4
    壹、 資訊產業環境分析 4
    貳、 行業別資訊分析 8
    參、 資訊服務業契機 10
    第二節 動態能力 12
    第三節 策略與組織 19
    第四節 小結 27
    第三章 研究方法 28
    第一節 研究架構 28
    第二節 研究變項 29
    第三節 研究設計與資料蒐集 30
    第四節 研究限制 32
    第四章 個案研究 33
    第一節 個案公司背景 33
    壹、 個案公司基本資料 33
    貳、 個案公司合併變革前背景 37
    第二節 個案公司企業策略考量 42
    壹、 企業策略考量 42
    貳、 領導者企圖心 44
    第三節 個案公司轉化前後過程 46
    壹、 協調與整合機制 46
    貳、 學習方式 52
    參、 資源重整與轉變 55
    第四節 專屬資產與路徑相依 63
    第五節 小結 66
    第五章 研究發現與討論 67
    第一節 企業策略考量 67
    第二節 轉化前後過程 70
    第三節 企業策略對轉化變革的影響 76
    第六章 研究結論與建議 78
    第一節 研究結論 78
    第二節 建議 81
    參考文獻 83
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