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Title: | 和吸血鬼談場戀愛吧─以「浪漫愛」概念為基礎探討《暮光之城》熱潮下的青少女愛情觀 Falling in love with a vampire─Using the concepts of romantic love to discuss female teenage Twilighters` philosophy of love under the Twilight Mania |
Authors: | 王思勻 Wang, Szu Yun |
Contributors: | 方念萱 王思勻 Wang, Szu Yun |
Keywords: | 暮光迷 浪漫愛 羅曼史 暮光之城 Twilighter romantic love romance The Twilight Saga |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2013-04-01 14:36:19 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 從浪漫愛的概念出發,本研究聚焦於青少女觀賞《暮光之城》系列文本的詮釋歷程,以理解《暮光之城》作為一種文學、影視文本類型,如何藉由吸血鬼愛德華與浪漫愛概念之呈現,促使青少女在與文本互動的過程中,對浪漫愛進行反思與想像。
每一個時代都擁抱一種他們所需要的吸血鬼,而吸血鬼愛德華的出現,或許正象徵著這個時代的人們對於愛情、對於尋求真愛不可得的焦慮與恐慌。透過「浪漫愛」框架觀看「暮光迷」,可發現她們之所以擁抱「浪漫愛」,之所以擁抱吸血鬼愛德華,背後皆具特殊意義;而青少女對於浪漫愛所進行的想像與反思,足以打破他人對「暮光迷」的刻板印象,具體展現身為「暮光迷」豐富而多層次的樣貌:「暮光迷」不僅是對愛情懷抱憧憬的女孩,更是一群對於現代愛情觀及其背後彰顯之價值具有挑戰、顛覆能力的女孩們。 Based on the concepts of romantic love, the research focuses on teenage girls’ inner interpretation experiences when they read the Twilight series so that better understand how do the vampire images of Edward Cullen and the concepts of romantic love represented by The Twilight Saga stimulate young girls’ introspection and imagination of romantic love within the process of interactions with texts.
“The school life” is the main context for teenage girls to have contact with the Twilight series. In this study, the outcome of in-depth interviews with 12 “Twilighters” shows that teenage girls proactively “choose” and “use” The Twilight Saga to satisfy their mental and emotional demands. It reveals two crucial concepts: on the one hand, as far as teenage girls are concerned, “reading” is a voluntary action that plays an important role in their daily lives. On the other hand, The Twilight Saga symbolizes a “remedial subculture” that allows young girls to redeem their actual imperfection by means of daydream and imagination.
From just reading the Twilight series to naming themselves as “Twilighters”, this process indicates a timeline-interaction between teenage girls and The Twilight Saga. To begin with, young girls try to find out if there is overlap amid their life context, emotion demands and the Twilight’s love romance; however, as time gone by, they start to interpret and make comments on the text. Using romantic love as a frame to explore “Twilighters”, this research tries to portray contemporary teenage girls’ imagination of romantic love and then compares it with the concepts of contemporary romantic love and that represented in The Twilight Saga. The differences not only display the independent deliberation of young girls, but also reveal their introspection and criticism on men of nowadays and notions of love in this risky society. On the first place, Vampire Edward Cullen’s conservative notion of sex symbolizes women’s moral appeals to men at the imaginative level. Secondly, judging “eternal love” under the context of risky society, some young girls regard “finding their own Edward” as an action paragon of fantasy, while some of them try to reverse the meaning of eternal love from “happy ever after” to “the precious one is the eternity for a moment”. Last but not least, young girls try to strengthen their demands for subjectivity, so that they would rather be the one who is loved and love others at the same time.
Each era embraces one kind of vampire it lacks, and the appearance of Vampire Edward perhaps symbolizes the anxiety of modern people on their way of seeking true love. Through the frame of romantic love to observe the teenage “Twilighters”, the research finds out the reasons that young girls who embrace romantic love or Vampire Edward truly have some special meanings. Their imagination and introspection of romantic love, as well as their abundant images as “Twilighters”, both give them powers to reverse others’ stereotypes on “Twilighters”. “Twilighters” are not only the girls who long for love, but also the ones who have the ability to challenge and overthrow modern concepts of love and the value it manifests. |
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