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Title: | 萌生與交疊:臺灣「拋採茶」之歷史景觀、表演套式與源流演化探析 |
Other Titles: | The History, Performing Style, and Origin of “Throwing a Tea Basket” in Taiwan |
Authors: | 蔡欣欣 Tsai, Hsin-hsin |
Contributors: | 政大中文系 |
Keywords: | 客家採茶戲;歌仔戲;車鼓遊藝;古劇;口頭傳統 Hakka;Tea-picking;Drama;Goa-a Opera;Chegu;Old Drama;Oral tradition |
Date: | 2010-12 |
Issue Date: | 2013-03-25 14:26:36 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 由藝人們以長繩縛繫竹籃,或在竹茅戲臺上,或在商業劇場裡,或廟會廣場中,拋擲給在場的觀眾,由觀眾隨意放入各種物件,再由藝人收回竹籃,根據物件當下編詞唱念,然後觀眾再加以打賞回饋的臺灣「拋採茶」,其應是承繼了大陸客家採茶戲「敬茶請客」的茶文化風情,民間藝術「口頭表演」的本質與「賣藝營生」的傳統;而因應着臺灣「在地」商業市場的需求,遂強化自身的表演技藝,發展演化為綰結「歌舞踏謠」、「拋擲茶籃」與「即興題詠賦歌」的爨弄形式,儼然具有着王國維的「古劇」特色,在「開喝╱唱題╱打采」的表演套式中,展現出宛如唐「合生」與宋「唱題目」的口頭傳統,以及百戲雜技的「拋擲手技」,體現了「打采」的庶民風情與「百藝競陳」的戲樂傳統。這種洋溢着娛樂性、歌舞性、技藝性、遊戲性與互動性,由表演者與觀眾共同完成「表演中的創作」的「拋採茶」,在不斷循環往覆的交流與品評中,達到意念的溝通與情感的共振,既能催化「熱鬧歡樂」的現場氛圍,為藝人提供「贏取彩資」的外快收入,甚至發揮「改運祭煞」的宗教儀式功能,遂成為臺灣日治時期到六、七○年代,客家採茶戲、歌子戲、客家撮把戲與車鼓遊藝所「交疊」演出的歷史景觀。 “Throwing a Tea Basket” is a performance in which the actor/ actress throws a basket to the audience. The one who catches it into certain items before the basket is retrieved. The actor/actress then improvises as inspired the objects in the basket. The performance can occur either in a humble bamboo shack, commercial theatre or a temple fair. Its style is derived from the Hakka drama “Serving Tea,” as well as oral and street performance traditions. In order to meet the demand of commercial theatre in Taiwan, it then integrates songs and dances, “Throwing a Tea Basket” and improvisation singing in its performance. In its sequence of opening statement, subject-singing, and prize-awarding, the “Throwing a Tea Basket” demonstrates features that are akin to those of the hesheng oral traditions of the Tang dynasty and the “subject-singing” of Song dynasty. The prize-awarding to the performers and the throwing-and-catching skill illustrate the folk custom of dacai and the acrobatic tradition of the Chinese theatre. The “Throwing a Tea Basket” is a creation-in-performance that is accomplished by both the actor/actress and audience. It brims with joviality, creation, acrobatic skills, fun and a sense of mutuality. With the tea basket being thrown back and forth, it enables people on and off the stage to communicate and enjoy the merriment together. The “Throwing a Tea Basket” episode Goa-a Opera, chegu troupes and Hakka cuoba show is a historical phenomenon that had existed since the Japanese Colonial period down to the 1960s and 1970s. |
Relation: | 民俗曲藝, 170, 81-141 |
Data Type: | article |
Appears in Collections: | [中國文學系] 期刊論文
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