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Title: | 從台灣人才外流現象探討人才危機 Brain drain and its challenge to brain crisis in Taiwan |
Authors: | 曾建銘 Tsen, Chien Ming |
Contributors: | 劉梅君 Liu, Mei Chun 曾建銘 Tsen, Chien Ming |
Keywords: | 人才外流 人才 育才 留才 攬才 香港 新加坡 南韓 中國 Brain Drain Talent Incubation Maintaining Recruiting Hong Kong Singapore Korea China |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2013-03-01 09:27:22 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 政府一再透過媒體強調台灣正面臨人才外流危機,並表示如果不立即採取相關措施因應,未來台灣將淪為「三流國家」。對此,台灣目前有一百萬人持有碩博士文憑,全國共有164 所大專院校負責培育高等教育人才,再加上全民教育水準普遍提升,在此情勢之下,台灣真的面臨人才危機?惟獨台灣社會真的出現企業缺工危機、政府人才危機、人民求職與失業危機,再加上近兩三年先後迸出年金、失業、貧富與世代剝奪感危機,再再打擊各世代生活信心,台灣人民的未來彷彿失去希望,究竟台灣的社會發生什麼問題? 人才流動是社會正常現象與世界趨勢,合理人才流動是可促進社會與經濟發展,為何美國、歐洲、日本等已開發國家都不擔心人才外流問題,惟獨台灣卻十分焦慮?究竟是人才外流造成人才危機?還是人才危機導致人才外流?台灣真的面臨人才危機問題?身為國家一員,為下一代子女提供一個安居樂業的環境是全民共同責任,對於人才問題現況探討與改進是政府與全民責任,對國家、社會、企業、人才與自己充滿自信,人民的未來才有希望,希望透過本論文對台灣人才外流現象對人才危機之探討與建議。 The Government has repeatedly stressed through the media that Taiwan is facing a brain drain crisis. Taiwan will become a "third-level countries" if the Government does not take any immediate measures. There are over a million people with bachelor, master or Ph.D. degrees in Taiwan and 164 universities provide higher education cultivation. Thus, higher educational gets very common among younger generations and becomes universally accessible. Is Taiwan really facing a talent crisis? However, enterprises are short of workers. The government is currently encountering both talent crisis and the unemployment crisis. The migration of talent is a world trend in which talent flow can enhance and promote social and economic development. The United States, Europe, Japan and other developed nations do not worry about the problem of brain drain. Is brain drain caused by the talent crisis or the talent crisis led to brain drain? It seems the main problem is Taiwan faces talent crisis. This study aims to explore the issue of brain drain by examining current situations and critically discussing government policies. Firstly, this study will address and collect the relevant theories and literatures to provide a comparative analytical schema of the problems. Afterward, according to the historical data collection and consolidation, a comparative analysis of research is done through literature review. This study will discuss the status and practice of talent recruitment of China, Korea, Hong Kong and Singapore in a systematic way. Moreover, industrial restructuring poses challenges to the human resource strategies of research, enterprise, and higher education with regards to talent "Incubation", "Maintaining", and "Recruiting". In sum, statistic data and Government policies were investigated and evaluated to find out solutions to talent crisis in Taiwan. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 亞太研究英語碩士學位學程(IMAS) 97925020 101 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0979250202 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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