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    Title: 暴力幽靈:閱讀德希達
    A Specter Named Violence: Reading Derrida
    Authors: 陳涵
    Chen, Han
    Contributors: 高國魁
    Chen, Han
    Keywords: 德希達

    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2013-03-01 09:26:47 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 一直以來,理論與經驗被認為是學術中兩種重要的研究方向,時至今日,在各個學術領域中仍不時有著理論/經驗二分並且對立的情況。在社會學界,這樣的現象也同樣地存在著。本文意在指出,任何理論作品本身皆帶有實作的面向,從來沒有非實作的理論;反過來說,亦沒有非理論的實作。語言體現一種群體的身體習慣,閱讀是對它的理解、而書寫是對它的介入。假解構之道重新進入暴力問題將有助於我們更為現實地面對近乎無所不在的語言之暴力。本文透過Derrida對現象學/存有論和馬克思主義文本的詳細閱讀和,旨在論證暴力幽靈不失為解構式延異經濟的最佳範例。名為幽靈的暴力意味著人們無法一勞永逸地袪除的東西,總是纏擾著資本主義的精神。本文將指出,作為基進化的馬克思主義,以暴力問題闡明的解構政治哲學能使我們免於陷入古典社會學和馬克思主義的天真政治和自發哲學的困境,包括天真地相信暴力將隨著文明化和理性化的進步而終結,以及自發地繼承西方神學和形上學的傳統。
    For a long time, the theoretical and the empirical have been regarded as distinctive approaches to academic research, and yet conflicts between these two lines of study persist until today. . The same case applies to the discipline of sociology. This thesis intends to point out that every theoretical work carries in itself a practical dimension, at which there is neither a non-practical theory nor a non-theoretical practice. A language is the actualization of bodily habits of a group. We read to understand and write to intervene this linguistic group. Thus it is only by way of deconstruction could we confront the almost ubiquitous violence of language in a more realistic manner. Following Derrida’s deconstructive reading of phenomenology/ontology and Marxism, the thesis seeks to make spectral violence an exemplary case to support the economy of différance. The specter named violence signifies something that could never be exorcised once and for all, always haunting the capitalist spirit. It will be argued that as a radical form of Marxism, deconstructive political philosophy explicated by the question of violence can keep us from lapsing into the naïve politics and spontaneous philosophy of classical sociology and Marxism, insofar as they naively believe in the end of violence via the progress of civilization and rationalization, and spontaneously succeed to Western theological and metaphysical traditions.
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