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Title: | 政府角色與區域發展:長江三角洲地區治理競合模式之研究 Government’s Role and Regional Development: the study of Regional Governance and Co-opetition Model in the Yangtze River Delta |
Authors: | 吳瑟致 Wu, Se Chih |
Contributors: | 高長 趙建民 Kao, Charng Chao, Chien Min 吳瑟致 Wu, Se Chih |
Keywords: | 地方主義 地方政府 長三角 區域治理 區域競合 Regionalism Local Government Yangtze River Delta Regional Governance Regional Co-opetition |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2013-03-01 09:26:13 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 長三角地區是當前中國大陸區域發展中經濟最為發達的地區之一,產業高速發展帶動了區域城市的經濟成長,同時造就中國大陸經濟亮眼的表現。長三角地區是由一系列的城市所構成的集合空間,面對全球產業鏈中群聚效果的高速發展,城市中產業群聚規模日益擴大,國際資金大舉湧入長三角地區形成大城市群的集合體。在逐步開放的全球化時代當中,生產資源的自由流動與相互依賴的經濟關係是必然的現象;換句話說,長三角地區如何保持既分工合作又相互競爭的平衡,是該地區內各地方必須思索的問題。 長三角地區與全球產業鏈相互聯繫,從「全套型」的產業結構轉變為「全球分工型」的產業結構,區域內各城市的產業分工調整是產生城市群效益與活力的關鍵。改革開放以來,長三角地區的產業結構已有顯著的改變,各地方政府對區域合作的積極度亦有所增加;從治理的角度而言,全球化與區塊化的潮流以改變地方政府的治理模式,地方利益不再是狹隘的地方自治事物;地方發展轉為對區域公共財的需求。基於此,「區域治理模式」已成為長三角地區面對全球化趨勢的重要階段,其中,區域競合更牽動長三角區域治理的核心問題。 目前學理上探討區域治理的內涵,在於解釋「誰來治理」和「如何治理」,以及政府與治理的思考。回顧過去有關長三角地區和中國大陸區域發展的研究多集中討論「地方主義」的問題,同時以地理學的空間分佈與區位理論作為分析主軸;然而,中國大陸經濟發展的過程中,政府往往扮演主要的引導角色,結合從區域治理與區域競合的途徑,更能確實觀察中國大陸區域現況與未來展望。就此,本研究將探討長三角區域發展在政府力量與市場角色的作用下,所形成的區域治理模式及其特性。 The Yangtze River Delta is one of the regions in China that demonstrated fast-growing economic development. The high-speed development of the industries in the region triggered off economic growth in the urban areas of the region, which eventually contributed to the sound economic performance in China. The Yangtze River Delta embraces a number of cities. The scale of industrial clustering in the cities of the region significantly intensified as a result of the fast clustering of the global industry chain. Capital from all over the world flooded into the Yangtze River Delta, which transformed the region into a metropolitan zone. In the era of incremental “globalization”, the free flows of production resources and economic interdependence will be an inevitable phenomenon. In other words, the balance between cooperation and competition(Co-opetition) of different industrial sectors of the world in the process where the industrial clustering at the Yangtze River Delta is merging with the global supply chain will be an issue for all cities in the Yangtze River Delta to address to. The link between the Yangtze River Delta and the global industry chain has been transformed from the “vertical” structure to the structure of “international division of labor”. The restructuring of the industrial division of labor among the cities in the region is critical for yielding urban clustering effect and driving development forward. Since the launch of the open-door policy in China, the industrial structure at the Yangtze River Delta has undergone significant change. The local governments become more positive at regional cooperation. From the perspective of governance, regionalization has compelled the local governments to change their mode of governance. Regional interest is no longer a sheer matter of local autonomy but rather the demand for regional public resources. As such, Regional Governance becomes a critical stage for the Yangtze River Delta in globalization. Regional Co-opetition will emerge as the core issue of Regional Governance at the Yangtze River Delta. The essence of contemporary study of Regional Governance rests with the interpretation of “Who Governs”, “How Governs”, and other thoughts of governments and governance. In the past, most studies on the Yangtze River Delta and the regional development of China tended to focus on regionalism and the gravity of studies was the geographic locations and regional theories. Yet, in the course of economic development in China, the government tended to play a guiding role. An integration of the Regional Governance and regional Co-opetition allows for a clear view on the status of regional development in China and the development in the future. As such, this thesis attempts to address the issues of whether or not the regional development of the Yangtze River Delta can help to create a model of Regional Governance? And could the Co-opetition relations behind governance and the changes in the industrial structure contribute to further regional collaboration? Finally, the thesis will address to the problems confronting the regional cooperation at the Yangtze River Delta under the power of the government and the role of the market. |
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