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Title: | 優質標註萃取機制提昇閱讀成效之研究:以合作式閱讀標註系統為例 Mining Quality Reading Annotations for Promoting Reading Performance: A Study on the Collaborative Reading Annotation System |
Authors: | 黃柏翰 Huang, Po Han |
Contributors: | 陳志銘 黃柏翰 Huang, Po Han |
Keywords: | 合作式閱讀標註 優質標註萃取 模糊推論 閱讀學習 Collaborative Reading Annotation Quality Annotation Extraction Fuzzy Inference Reading Learning |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2013-03-01 09:25:25 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究發展可以在任意網頁上進行閱讀標註之合作式閱讀標註系統,並透過探勘集體智慧方式,在合作式閱讀標註系統上發展「優質標註萃取」及「達人標註萃取」機制,來輔助學習者進行數位文本閱讀學習,以達到提昇閱讀理解成效的目的。此外,本研究也進一步探討透過「優質標註萃取」及「達人標註萃取」機制過濾掉一部份品質較差的標註,是否可有效降低閱讀標註文本時產生的認知負荷。 本研究將學習者分成實驗組1(達人標註)、實驗組2(優質標註)與控制組(所有標註)三組,並分別進行約80分鐘的合作式閱讀標註學習活動。其中控制組的成員採用「呈現所有標註之合作式閱讀標系統」支援閱讀學習;而實驗組1的成員則透過「呈現達人標註之合作式閱讀標註系統」來進行閱讀學習;實驗組2則透過「呈現優質標註之合作式閱讀標註系統」來進行閱讀學習。合作式閱讀標註活動要求學習者在指定時間內閱讀本研究指定的文本(化學科普之文章),同時利用「合作式閱讀標註系統」進行閱讀標註撰寫與分享。閱讀標註活動結束後,學習者將進行所閱讀文本之閱讀理解評量以及認知負荷量表填寫,據此瞭解學習者的閱讀理解成效及認知負荷程度。 研究結果顯示,採用具有「優質標註萃取」機制所得標註支援閱讀學習,有助於過濾品質不佳的閱讀標註,並提供更簡潔易找尋之優質標註支援閱讀學習,進而提昇閱讀理解成效,由於閱讀時更容易找到所需的優質資訊,因此亦較有助於提昇學習者不同面向概念的閱讀理解成效;此外,本研究基於每位學習者的有效標註,在考量標註層次及標註數量下,評估每位學習者的“標註能力”,採用優質標註支援閱讀學習的實驗組2(優質標註)學習者中,標註能力越高的學習者,其閱讀理解成效也較佳;而本研究將學習者依照閱讀理解後測成績高低,分成高分組及低分組後顯示,控制組(所有標註)與實驗組2(優質標註)的組別中,均呈現出低分組學習者的認知負荷顯著高於高分組學習者的現象;除此之外,本研究比較三組採用不同標註呈現方式之合作式閱讀標註系統進行閱讀學習之學習者時,結果發現,採用三種不同閱讀標註呈現方式組別學習者之認知負荷無顯著差異。 最後,本研究歸納研究者在研究過程及結果中之發現,提出發展結合合作式閱讀標註的有效閱讀學習策略、探討各類型標註眼動行為對於閱讀理解成效影響與擴展合作式閱讀標註系統支援行動閱讀學習等未來研究議題之初步架構,供後續研究參考以進行更深入之探究。 A Collaborative Reading Annotation System, which can be randomly proceeded reading annotations on any web pages, is developed in this study. Furthermore, Quality Annotation Extraction and Master Annotation Extraction are developed on the Collaborative Reading Annotation System by mining collective intelligence for assisting learners in proceeding reading digital texts and promoting the reading comprehension performance. The effect of removing some bad-quality annotations through Quality Annotation Extraction and Master Annotation Extraction on reducing the cognitive load when reading annotation texts is further discussed in this study. The learners are divided into Experiment Group 1 (Master Annotation), Experiment Group 2 (Quality Annotation), and Control Group (All Annotation) for 80-minute collaborative reading annotation learning. Control Group uses Collaborative Reading Annotation System with all annotations for promoting reading; Experiment Group 1 proceeds reading through Collaborative Reading Annotation System with master annotations; and, Experiment Group 2 applies Collaborative Reading Annotation System with quality annotations to reading. The learners are requested to read the assigned texts (articles of popular science in chemistry) in the assigned period and write and share the reading annotations with the Collaborative Reading Annotation System. Afterwards, the learners are evaluated the reading comprehension of the texts and fill in the cognitive load scale for understanding the reading comprehension performance and the cognitive load. The research results show that utilizing the annotations acquired by Quality Annotation Extraction for promoting reading could filter out unfavorable reading annotations and provide quality annotations, which are more easily searched for promoting reading, to further enhance the reading comprehension performance. Since the quality information can be more easily searched, it could better assist learners in promoting reading comprehension performance in various aspects. Moreover, based on the valid annotations of each learner, the annotation ability is evaluated the annotation level and quantity. Learners with higher annotation ability in Experiment Group 2 (Quality Annotation) present better reading comprehension performance. Based on the reading comprehension post-test results, the learners are divided into high-score and low-score groups. The cognitive load of low-score learners in both Control Group (All Annotation) and Experiment Group 2 (Quality Annotation) is higher than it of high-score learners. Besides, the cognitive load among the three groups applying the Collaborative Reading Annotation System with different annotations to reading does not appear significant differences. Finally, developing effective reading strategies with Collaborative Reading Annotation, discussing the effects of various annotations on reading comprehension performance, and expanding Collaborative Reading Annotation System for promoting mobile reading are proposed as the preliminary framework for future research, with which in-depth exploration could be preceded in successive research. |
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