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    題名: 以複雜科學觀點探討企業內部創業
    Exploring intrapreneurship from complexity science perspective
    作者: 嚴倢妤
    Yen, Chieh Yu
    貢獻者: 吳豐祥
    Wu, Feng Hsiang
    Yen, Chieh Yu
    關鍵詞: 內部創業
    Complexity Science
    Strange Attractor
    High-tech Industry
    日期: 2011
    上傳時間: 2013-03-01 09:24:39 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 在變動劇烈的企業經營環境之下,內部創業是帶動公司成長的重要選項。台灣的產業經營環境中,以高科技業廠商面臨的經營環境變遷最為快速、產品生命週期最為短暫,也是台灣眾多產業中,相對高比例的以內部創業持續支持企業發展的多數,但是過往的創業與內部創業相關研究,多將創業議題視為靜態主體,不過進行內部創業的企業,因為複雜的管理流程與管理因素之變化,以動態與整體性的理論重新思考更能呈現其真義,並能提供實質的運作建議。具有動態與整體性特質的理論觀點中,複雜性科學可以詮釋非線性動態系統的演化歷程,並可以呈現系統於外在資訊輸入之下的變動,以跨層次互動所呈現的整體模態,以「過程」角度呈現內部創業研究中的企業面對環境變化之動態調適,讓企業的內部創業演變歷程更為清晰。
    本研究以複雜科學作為內部創業探討的研究基礎,除了以「系統」、「動態」與「調適」等觀點為基礎外,進一步將混沌理論中的奇異吸子(strange attractor)納入探討;並從複雜科學觀點中,萃取出影響系統動態運作流程的關鍵要素:「資訊評估」、「調適性張力」、「新創事業建構」、「網絡連結」與「合作網絡確立」等五大步驟,對應企業內部創業的流程。本研究以此理論模式為主軸,進行個案選擇、訪談以及資料蒐集,對台灣四家高科技業廠商進行深入訪談,了解其內部創業過程與複雜科學觀點的對應性,以及在此對應的新觀點中內部創業之關鍵成功因素。
    1. 台灣科技業廠商推行內部創業的過程可用複雜科學觀點對應之。
    2. 台灣科技業廠商會以調適性張力狀態作為推行內部創業的契機。
    3. 台灣科技業廠商成功發展內部創業之關鍵在於流程中的資源分配。
    4. 台灣科技業廠商再創後續新事業時,會受到員工個人熱忱與對新事業認同感之影響。
    5. 台灣科技業廠商內部創業領導者的層級會影響新創事業發展。
    6. 台灣科技業廠商會複製成功經驗發展後續的新創事業。
    7. 台灣科技業廠商在公司規模擴張時,會重新設計新創事業發展模式。
    Intrapreneurship is a pivotal way for enterprises creating another way to support their continuous growth. Intrapreneurship could help large-scaled enterprises to break through the problems of rigid organizational culture and management. In the industrial environment of Taiwan, high-tech companies are confronted with varied business situation and the shortest product life cycle; these conditions have urged high-tech companies in Taiwan into executing intrapreneurship to ensure their future profit. Review researches related to intrapreneurship, most of them use the static view to describe it. However, due to the complication and the change of crucial factors in management process, the dynamic and holism view could better present the evolution process of nonlinear dynamic systems. Besides, this kind point of view could show the pattern of cross-level interaction and the dynamic adaption during the process of intrapraneurship; both could make the realization of intrapraneurship much clear.
    This paper is based on complexity science. In addition to use the viewpoint of “systematic,” “dynamic” and “adaption,” this paper also brings in the viewpoint of “strange attractor.” This paper extracts key factors which affect dynamic system operation, and classifies them into five steps: “information evaluation,” “adaptive tension,” “new business construction,” “network connection” and “establishment of cooperation networks,” in order to correspond the process of intrapraneurship in enterprises. Based on this framework, this paper presents interview results of four high-tech companies in Taiwan, and finds key factors which could help the realization of intrapraneurship in this new perspect.
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