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    Title: 清治時期台灣職官俸祿與其功名、類別與養廉銀關係之研究
    The Study of Officers` Wage, Rank, Category and Silver Honesty System in Taiwan During Qing Dynasty
    Authors: 周秝宸
    Chou, Li Chen
    Contributors: 林祖嘉
    Lin, Chu Chia
    Chou, Li Chen
    Keywords: 清代
    Qing Dynasty
    Human Capital
    Silver Honesty System
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2013-02-01 16:57:47 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 過往清史研究關於清代官制多探討其制度成因、演變,鮮少觸及到俸祿、功名與官制彼此間的關聯性或影響程度,而從勞動經濟學的角度來看,官員的功名、官秩應反應出其人力資本投資與職場經驗的累積程度。有鑑於此,本研究利用清代各期間編纂地方方志中的樣本資料來探討及評估清代臺灣地方官吏人力資本投資、職場經驗及其他特徵變數對於薪資(俸祿)報酬的影響為何。
    Previous researches in the history of Qing dynasty mainly study the cause of bureaucracy or the evolution in the bureaucratic system, however, there are fewer studies which explain the relationship of wage, official rank and the fame of scholarly honor. In the side of labor economic, the scholarly honor, official rank reply the accumulation of human capital and the experience in the job market. According it, this dissertation tries to evaluate the return of human capital investment, job experience and other characteristic variables on the wage on samples during the periods of Qing dynasty.
    The first topic tries to analyze the impacts of human capital on wage during the period Kangxi, Yongzeng and Qianlong era. The empirical results indicate that the human capital investment (scholarly honor) rises 4.5% in the wage rate; the return rate of official rank arise 29.9% wage rate. We also find that the civilian officials have better return rate in both factors than military ones. The main reason may due to the promotion process between civilian and military officials are not the same. The promotion in the civilian official base on the experience, the promotion process in military officials may relate to the performance in the war. Therefore the human capital and experience have smaller influence in the military officials’ wage.
    Using the traditional regression and Heckman two step methodology, the second part of this study estimates the Mincerian earnings function which try to explain the structure of the civilian officer and military bureaucracy sectors, and the return of official rank, the fame of scholarly honor on wage in Fenshan during the occupation period in Qing era. The empirical results indicate: (1) there has a sample selection bias if we estimate with traditional regression. (2) the term of official finished, in mourning for parent`s death or the background in Eight banners system has significant effect when we consider the silver honesty system in wage. (3) official rank increases the wage rate of return in civilian and military official if the component of wage does not consider the silver honesty system.
    Finally, the dissertation investigates the influence of silver honesty system (SHS) in the wage of civilian officer. The empirical estimation finds that the implantation of policy increases the wage between 0.5 to dozens of times through difference and differences methodology (DID). The estimation also indicates that the FAME and RANK affect the available amount of salaries significantly.
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