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Title: | 華語學習者的文法學習信念之研究 A study on the learner’s beliefs about Chinese grammar as a second language |
Authors: | 黃婉芬 Huang, Wanfen |
Contributors: | 周祝瑛教授 黃婉芬 Huang, Wanfen |
Keywords: | 華語教學 學習者信念 文法教學 teaching Chinese as a second language learner`s beliefs grammar |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2013-02-01 16:52:42 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 歷來學界有不少探討教師文法教學信念之相關論述,但是從學習者角度看待文法教與學的相關研究則仍有相當大的發展空間。尤其,教師與學生彼此之間信念有所落差,可能影響教師的教學成果及學生的學習成效。故本文藉由訪談在臺灣學習華語的五位外籍學生,以探討華語學習者學習文法時之學習信念,及其看待華語教師文法教學之期待情形。
There are some discussions about teachers’ beliefs of grammar teaching; however, not so many theses discuss the issue from the learners’ view. Especially, there is the gap between the faith of teachers and students. It may affect the outcome of the teaching. This thesis aims to explore the learners’ beliefs about Chinese grammar as a second language through interviewing five foreign students who have studied Chinese in Taiwan.
The results of this study are summarized as follows: (1) Interviewees who have the higher language level would prefer to read and write more complex articles or practice advanced communicative ability in the Chinese classes; and do not want to spend much time on analyzing the grammar structures or rules. (2) The interviewees would feel frustrated when they cannot use the grammar well which they learned before; however, they will adopt the corresponding strategies to solve the problems. (3) Interviewees expect the Chinese teachers could teach the grammar explicitly first, and then let students practice the rules with the interesting activities in the real context. (4) Due to the different language ability level, learning need, future job requests, individual characteristics and so on, interviewees will have the different expectation towards the teacher’s corrective way, timing and frequency. Based on the findings, some pedagogical implications for language teachers and suggestions are provided at the end of the study. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 華語文教學碩士學位學程 97161002 101 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0097161002 |
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